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The house felt divided. There have been a few weeks since they discovered the pregnancy. And Florence looked ready to pop. She was still trying to convince some of her mates she was okay now. Florence became better, not long later. Alice had come to terms once she became better.

Rosalie and Alice were constantly planning the nursery and looking at baby clothes in the catalogues. The beginning of the pregnancy was absolute torture for Florence. She looked seconds away from taking her final breath.

Florence didn't care who the father was, but what she did care about was how Carlisle, Emmett and Jasper couldn't be alone with her anymore. They talked to her less and rarely looked at her. They couldn't bear with the fact that one of them made Florence like this, it hit them hard. The way they acted was like they were already mourning someone who wasn't dead.

Florence took a turn for the bright side, her skin looked better, and then her original energy and appetite returned. Carlisle was at Florence's side more often, to monitor any changes to see if she stays better, or gets worse again.

Emmett and Jasper looked after Florence more, they were still distant. As the guilt was eating them up from the inside. Out of the two, Jasper was worse, constantly on edge. He felt every emotion everyone else was feeling on top of his own.

Florence waddled into the kitchen, a hand supporting her bump. Florence made herself a bunch of wraps. She moaned at the taste of it. She turned at the sound and smell of Emmett, "I'm sorry I've been ignoring you these past few weeks. You don't deserve it, you deserve better. And I'm sorry I haven't been giving that to you." He looked down at the floor sheepishly.

"Em, baby. Come here." Florence leaned slightly on the counter, another wave of pain hitting her. Though it wasn't too bad, it was tolerable. "I forgive you, I've already had this conversation, and I'm waiting for Jasper to come to his senses. I understand where you're coming from, and you don't need to blame this on yourself. Understand me?" Florence held onto his arm.

"I love you so much." He whispered.

Another wave of pain hit her, much stronger than the last. She doubled over in pain, gripping onto Emmett's arm. "Shit." Florence whimpered and looked back up at Emmett.

He gently carried Florence towards Carlisle's office on the top floor, whilst yelling at everyone in the house about the situation. The minutes dragged out, Florence sat on a propped up bed in her oversized t-shirt and fluffy socks. "How are you feeling now?" Carlisle asked.

"Like I have a baby trying to get out of me." Florence muttered, Rosalie walked in, dragging Jasper.

"That's because you do." Carlisle kissed her forehead, "You'll be okay." He smiled soothingly.

"Final one." Rosalie nudged Jasper forward.

"Don't have to do anything, you don't want to do." Florence rose an eyebrow at him.

"I want to. I needed more confidence to do this, and she just gave me a nudge in the right direction." Jasper's lips curled into a faint smile.

"Sounded more like a very forceful push," Florence laughed slightly. "But continue." She added.

"I know you've heard this before, twice. But you needed a shoulder to lean on, someone to help you get through that, and hold your hair as you be sick. Instead of what we did - avoid you like the plague, it isn't fair on you." He stood by Florence, and rested his hands on her knees.

"It's okay love, there's most likely going to be blood, so you can go out and hunt." Florence suggested. The last thing she wanted was him ripping out hers, or the baby's throat. Because he'd find himself extremely headless.

Soon enough, a searing pain spread throughout Florence's body, and a scream left her throat, "I'm going to fucking kill you three!" Florence yelled out, knowing they all heard her.

Jasper refused to leave, he'd hunted that morning and didn't want to miss the birth. So as a precaution, he stayed outside the room. And Emmett was standing with him with Alice, in case he did try anything. Rosalie and Esme were at either of Florence's other side, trying to comfort her.

Edward was with those outside the office, he'd begun to get closer to Florence, spending more time with her. But, he would have felt like he was intruding if he was inside the room with her, so he decided to remain outside to know what was happening without being too invasive.

"I can't, it hurts and I'm so fucking tired." Florence whimpered and looked at Esme. She grabbed one of her hands, and Esme put the other behind Florence.

"It'll all be worth it, trust me." She nodded, those two words struck a pain in her heart, knowing that she went through all this and lost the baby in the end. How can the world be that cruel? To put an amazing woman through joy for 9 months, then immense pain, only to take it all away from her?

Esme was right, the pain only got worse, but then everything felt better, metaphorically. The soreness was still there, but the cries coming from the baby felt me feel amazing, euphoric. "It's a girl." Carlisle cradled the baby, and wrapped her in a blanket.

He walked over to Florence and placed her within her arms. Florence felt tears running down her face, "Hi baby, I'm your mummy." She sniffled and admired her, the baby's eyes fluttered open and they were a cloudy blue, and her head had faint wisps of brown hair.

She was perfect. Utterly perfect. And her name was Addison Cullen.

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