𝟏𝟓.𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐛𝐨𝐦𝐛𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥

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Nalani and Noah had been enjoying a lazy day together, lounging on the comfortable daybeds in various positions, snuggled up and lost in their cozy and nap-filled world. The tropical sun kissed their skin as they indulged in passionate kisses and whispered to each other about random things.

They reluctantly pulled away from each other when someone received a text that there was a challenge, and they quickly got ready and made their way to the challenge.

Nalani, being the first one to go, dribbled the ball between the cones, making sure she got it right because she knew that Noah would never let her live that down if she didn't ace that challenge. When she finished without failing, she smiled proudly at Noah, who smiled back at her with a proud smile on his face, only having eyes for his girl.

"So, the boy I will give this red card to is a boy that needs to stop making my bestie cry before I fight him," she said, handing the card to Tyrique, who playfully side-eyed her, making all the islanders laugh at her choice, especially Ella.

She then slid down the slippery slides while twerking a bit, making everyone cheer for her and causing Noah to blush. She quickly put the goal gloves on and watched carefully as Noah kicked the ball into the net before she could even move, making everyone laugh at her shocked face.


"I kinda forgot what he did in life for a sec," she said, laughing.

After removing her gloves, she went in front of the boy and examined them as if she didn't already know which boy she was going to kiss.

When her eyes fell back onto Noah, who was looking at her with a lazy, cocky smile and nodding at her to come kiss him, she quickly made her way to him and wrapped her arm around his making hims put his hands on her hips and connecting their lips in a passionate kiss.

then it was Charlotte's turn. She chose to give Noah a red card for being messy and she kissed Mitch.

The islanders were all chilling in the villa after the challenge when they received a text that Jess was going on a date with a Bombshell, Scott, making everyone shocked and causing the girls to scream because there was a new boy in the villa

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The islanders were all chilling in the villa after the challenge when they received a text that Jess was going on a date with a Bombshell, Scott, making everyone shocked and causing the girls to scream because there was a new boy in the villa. They quickly followed Jess to the dressing room to help her get ready for her date.

After talking with what felt like to everyone, Nalani and Noah, who had not left her side since the start of the party, made their way to the terrace for a chat.

"We need to find a surgeon who can attach us at the hips so we're always together," Noah said, sitting down and pulling Nalani onto his lap.

His words made Nalani explode into fits of laughter. Noah looked up at her with a soft smile, happy that he could make her laugh.

"You want to be attached to me so bad," Nalani said, still laughing while rubbing her thumbs against his jaw.

"Yeah, need to hold you 24/7," Noah said.

Nalani was about to say something when they heard screams downstairs and saw Jess coming with the new bombshell.

After introducing themselves to Scott, who was really sweet, the girl and the boy separated themselves to have a chat by themselves, and then Nalani got pulled into a chat by Scott.

She quickly joined Scott, who was waiting for her around the firepit.

"So you're coupled up with Noah, right?" Scott asked with a smile, making Nalani nod.

"Yeah, you look pretty cozy with him. Are you closed off?" Scott said.

"I'm not closed off yet, but I'm definitely focusing on him right now," Nalani said.

"Is that your way of friendzoning me?" Scott said playfully while chuckling.

Nalani couldn't help but laugh at Scott's playful comment. "More like... staying open to possibilities while keeping my eyes on the prize," she replied with a grin.

Scott and Nalani's conversation flowed effortlessly as they continued to chat, laugh, and exchange friendly banter.

They spent the rest of the evening talking, and before they knew it, they had to get ready for bed.Nalani going to bed alone once again.

Nalani was laying with Tyrique on the daybeds just tanning and napping when she got an idea to make this day less boring

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Nalani was laying with Tyrique on the daybeds just tanning and napping when she got an idea to make this day less boring.

"Yo, let's play a game. I'm bored," Nalani said, lifting her sunglasses and looking at Tyrique, who had his eyes closed.

"What do you want from me?" He said, fake annoyed, making Nalani chuckle.

"I'll give you a word, and you need to insert the word in the chat with the next person that talks to you," Nalani said, making Tyrique quickly laugh and agree.

"Okay, your word is... 'Fatuous,'" Nalani said, cracking up just saying the word she learned when she used to read the dictionary with her brother.

"What the heck is that word? Does it even exist?" Tyrique asked, laughing too.

"Nah, I swear it exists. It means something silly or pointless," Nalani said.

"Well, you're fatuous," he said with a big smile, feeling proud of his jokes, making her flip him off.

Zach joined them after several minutes of waiting.

"What's up, broskies?" Zach said, laying down next to Nalani.

"Nothing, been enjoying the sun. Saw you getting cozy with Molly," Nalani said, laughing and bumping shoulders with Zach, who also laughed and blushed at her words.

"Yeah, she's a nice girl. But what's up with Ella?" Zach said, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, we got back on track yesterday during the party, and I made her breakfast this morning, you know, kind of to apologize for my 'fatuous' behavior," Tyrique said, smiling when he finally inserted the word into his sentence.

"Fat what?" Zach said with a confused face, making the others burst into laughter.

"Fat what?" Zach said with a confused face, making the others burst into laughter

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Do yall miss me when I'm gone 🤭

1000 words

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