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Sighing she tuned out the sound of her fellow legionnaire, Jason Grace, blathering on about something or other. She had been at Camp Jupiter for several months now and had already earned her first stripe by saving the life of one of Lupa's wolfs during a monster hunting party a few weeks after her arrival. It hadn't taken long to connect her fellow Roman's identity to that of the boy's sister and, though she knew it was foolish, she instantly disliked him due to his sister's actions that caused the problems between Bianca and Percy. Percy had only just resurfaced a few days ago and now she knew that her friend was on a quest to save Nico, Bianca, and the Lady Artemis.

Growling she was about to snap at Jason to shut up as she didn't want to hear him prattling on about whatever sawdust filled his head when the ground around them started shaking and she felt the rolling waves of familiar power. "What is it?" Jason demanded, the son of Jupiter looking around frantically "Earthquake? Monster?".

"Percy." She breathed in horror as she stared up at Mount Tamalpais as she could see the cyclone of furious power roaring into the sky, spinning around and around as it whipped through the sky like the hands of Typhon, the raw majesty of the destructive force taking her breath away. The cyclone was filled with flames and lightning and seemed to leak godly power as she shuddered.

"What?" Jason demanded in shock "T-that's the son of Artemis?! The one that was at camp a few weeks ago?!". When she nodded, tears falling from her eyes Jason asked in horror "What could cause him to do…this?!".

"I don't know," she said as her tears fell "but whatever it is…he's using every ounce of his power to tear it apart.".


When he heard the Son of Artemis order the moon goddess to leave with the other demigods he had almost laughed, when Perseus had insisted that himself, Luke, and Orion his to deal with he actually had laughed…when the demigod summoned up a cyclone of raw power his laughter ceased. The winds whipped around him with more fury than he could ever remember suffering, their power ripping his spear from his hands as the divine weapon began spinning around the mountain on the winds, tearing apart the various monsters that served him and his master.

The cyclone was frightening in its raw fury, the mass of swirling storm clouds, alight with flame and dancing with the fury of lightning but even then, with all the darkness of the destructive storm, it wasn't enough to stop him from seeing a sight that scared him more than even the storm did. Within the he could see glowing blue lines appearing around the silhouette of what he knew to be Perseus Jackson and even the glowing emerald eyes of the powerful demigod as those eyes, filled with so much anger and hate, slowly turned to a powerful blue like the lines that were glowing brighter and brighter until he heard the demigods voice and, for the first time in his immortal life, he feared for his existence. "You made a mistake Atlas." the voice said as the winds began moving faster and faster, the arcs of lightning and tongues of fire leaping from its maw and causing him to scream in agony when they danced across his skin, his screams mixing with the death cries of his army.

"And what is that?!" he demanded, trying to sound as if he felt no fear even as he fought the urge to flee.

"You've awakened the beast," Percy said with a snarl "and the beast is angry…it wants your blood. I tried playing the Hero…but you had to go and turn me into a certified monster.".


Fury. That one simple word was all he could feel as he poured every ounce of his power into one thought, one desire…destroy. Destroy those who had taken his sister away from him and make them suffer. The winds of his cyclone whipped around him, ripping slashes in his clothes as he let the universe know his anger. As he did so he felt more and more of his power flow through him, burning veins of energy throughout his body that began to glow in a haunting design, alight with his own fury and even his eyes burned as he turned to focus on atlas.

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