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*Homophobia warning


I can't help but feel a little awkward the whole ride to breakfast. He even notices because when we're eating, he asked if something was wrong and apologized again for grabbing me like that. I brushed it off, though. I don't know why I'm freaking out about it. It's something people normally do in a relationship. I guess because it's never happened before, and I liked it more than I thought I would...

I start to feel a little back to normal after making it to the mall in the next town over. He kept asking my opinion on different shoes he tried on, and he obviously picked the one I liked best. He even offered to buy me a pair, but I refused, considering Dad just bought me some a few weeks ago. Plus, I didn't want him spending that much on me. He already bought breakfast, and he's paying for laser tag later. I kind of wish I had a job. It sucks not being able to pay some.

After leaving the shoe store, we start walking to the exit. I feel his shoulder brush against mine, making me aware of how close we're walking together. My mind suddenly flashes back to that gay couple I saw the last time I was here with Dad. Do we look like a couple right now? I mean, we're not holding hands like they did. I glance down at his hand slightly swinging by mine. I want to, though.

"Can I admit something?" I ask in a low voice, even though no one is really walking that close to us.

He looks over at me and nods. "Of course."

"I want to hold your hand, but I'm not going to."

"I understand."

"It really sucks that people just can't accept our type of relationship," I continue. "I mean, I don't see anything wrong with it."

"I know. I think it's always going to be like this. That's why keeping us quiet isn't a big deal."

"I hate it. Having to act like friends in publ-"

"Wes?" I get cut off by a voice I'd preferred to never hear again. And despite what I was just saying, I have to put that act up now. I turn around to face the first person to ever break my heart. "It is you. Uh, hey. How have you been?" Claire crosses her arms and rubs her hand on her elbow. Something I remember her doing when she was anxious.

I'm not entirely sure what to say. I'd prefer to say nothing. I shift my eyes over to Ryland to see him already looking at me. Fuck. This is so damn awkward. I just want to rub it in her face that he's my boyfriend and how I'm way happier now with him, but I can't.

"Fine," I say when I realize the silence is going on for too long.

"That's good. Uh, who's this?"

I don't want to use the word 'friend'. At all. Not to her. I don't have to tell her who he is to me. It's none of her business. "This is Ryland."

"New friend of yours?" I just nod, already feeling bad. She looks back to him. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Claire." I watch his expression out of the corner of my eye to see if it changes at all, but he remains stoic. "Uh, Wes and I used to date."

"Yeah, Wes has told me about you," he finally speaks, crossing his arms.

"I'm sure they weren't good things..."

"Nope," he replies, popping the 'p'.

"Uh..." Why can't she realize how awkward this is? I don't even know why she would approach me. "Wes, could I talk to you for a minute? Alone."

"No," I instantly say.

Her face falls. "Please?"

"You can say whatever it is you want to say in front of him."

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