Chapter 4

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<The Blackwell heirs>

Once I was finished putting my things away I changed out of my attire into a more casual style

I put on an oversized red hoodie with the words fire on the back in black letters
Matching it with black leggings and black socks. Feeing comfy in my choice I decided to braid my hair to the side.

Looking around my room I remembered something I hid years ago under a spot in the wall...

I went on my knees as I lowered myself to check the right part of my wall right next to my book nook. I knocked twice remembering the hidden compartment needed to sound hollow- I froze my actions and knocked again in case I heard wrong

This is it I murmur as the hollow dings again. I grab the pocket knife from my purse and stuck it on the side where a crack shows in order to force it open. Once I get a good grip I pull it open revealing a treasure box. My eyes light up as I reach for the treasure chest, I take the locket off my neck and place it in the lock. It makes a click and I lift the top off, inside lays a scroll a very long scroll. It has the Chinese dragon drawn on it making it look ancient.

The mantles are pure gold as I open it revealing it's contents my eyes go wide. "Hakans legend" I mumble almost breathless at my discovery. Hakan In other words king....there was another family....a sixth family...

It is said that they were annihilated by a darkness threatening to rise again thousands of years ago.

The family were rumored to have purple eyes and golden hair they're origins go back to dragon riders and merchants as well as rumored royalty. Yet no one knows much about the sixth family then the calloways the royal family.

It is said the callloways were neighboring rivals with the hakans and that the calloways were apart of the family's down fall yet no one truly knows except.... the ancient library of sparlin. A library said to hold all the answers of the future,past and present. Yet not a soul knows where it can be found...or if it even exists.

*knock knock* I jump startled as I'm snapped out of my thoughts to someone knocking on my door. I quickly close the box and place it back in the compartment and shut it. I inspect it to make sure it doesn't look off or out of place. I hurriedly got off my knees and headed to my door opening it revealing hank on the other side.

He had a cane in his right hand and a mustache that wasn't there before. He looked...weak and tiny as if a blow of wind could tip him over. Age what a terrible thing...

"young is good to see you" he said his eyes getting slightly teary

My heart aches at the old man who once would carry my dollhouse out into the garden and back up the me that was a heavy ass doll house.

Yet he did it without me asking because he would see me watch my brothers train outside from the window while I played inside. But I was never brave enough to go join them since we were raised differently...I had been pampered while they had been trained to the core. I started my training the next year when I was six so I no longer felt guilty knowing that they also started their training at six like me. By then my days with Barbie's and dolls were over I took more interest in knives and guns.

"It's good to see you as well hank" I said giving him a small smile
"Dinner is ready...everyone is waiting for you little miss" he said and then he headed downstairs

I took a deep breath in as I recalled my brothers names in my mind and their ages

Cassius was my oldest brother
The most coldest one and mature out of all six Blackwell children
He was an example the rest of my brothers aspired to be
He was 22 this year

Cassander was the second oldest
He was cold as well but he was the most brutal one after all violence was the answer to everything
He was 21 this year

Malachi was the third oldest
He was chill and laid back but he was also the quietest one for when he was silent his mind was wild and loud. He never talked a lot nor talked too little, he talked when needed and that was it. But I knew ideas were running through his mind as he looked around his surroundings or at a person you could never read him.
He was 20 this year

Everette was the fourth oldest
He was the wild one the one my parents had the most trouble controlling and just as he was wild he drove those around him crazy. He was the typical bad child he was on the news daily causing havoc around New York and giving my father a new headache.

But he was the bravest out of all of us he was a daredevil he'd say yes to any mission our father sent him on no matter how dangerous, and whenever he got hurt he'd brush it off as nothing this boy's arm could fall off and he wouldn't have a care in the world,
He was 19 this year

And lastly was Cyrus
The softest out of all of us
His heart was too kind for this world that it'd make my mother worry most times
Although he was kind he knew he'd have to grow backbone eventually and so he became fierce and strong so no one would hurt his loved ones and he could protect them. After the incident he stopped feeling...he was my mothers youngest son and a mamas boy so he was closest to her...they all were and after the incident he shut everyone out...
He was 18 this year

Which puts me Everin at 17
I'm the only Blackwell daughter and female to be Born as a Blackwell in five centuries. I'm emotionless most of the time but I'll occasionally show emotion towards those I trust
Some call me the female version of my eldest brother Cassius for my matureness and modesty.

I carry the Blackwell name with pride although on the inside I quite loathe it...I'm just as wild as my brothers I was trained more then them therefore I hold the capacity to murder anyone within five feet.

But all these skills can't stop my sickness...I'm terminally ill which means...I'll die soon. I was diagnosed with heart failure around my second year at gregon boarding school when I passed out in the hallway. At first it wasn't anything to worry about but I kept getting worse over the years until two months ago I got a heart was the worst pain I have ever felt as if my soul was detaching itself from my body, like my heart was going to explode. Now I have around six months left...

I'm not close with any of my relatives so I don't see the need to tell them about this...besides

When I have two months left I'll travel the sea and find a quiet peaceful island and pass away in my sleep...


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