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"Your always late Simon." You nudged his arm smiling. "You make me late." He looked over your features illuminated by the sunset.

The angle lighting up your eyes in a way that made him want to kiss you a thousand times over. "I thought you enjoyed my legs wrapped around you."

You tap his shoulder walking forward, turning around to face him once more. "Make sure you keep up big boy." You teased, a wide grin on your face looking over the man you loved dearly with your feet sinking into the dry sandy ocean beneath you.

He never thought he'd let you slip between his fingers. The same way the sand refused to keep its form in his hand. Specs of glass rained through the spaces joining the dry ocean beneath him.

And you laid in that same dry ocean, painting the sandy floor brown. Your eyes stuck to the sky, the last bit of heat your body generated escaping. The back of your skull placed inches from the rest of you.

He reached for it, frantically trying to piece you back together in the hopes it would bring you back to him. The vision of you growing blurry before the tears dissipated into the grains.

"Come back to me.....ple—please." Was all he could manage as he lifted you up. Embracing you against his chest for the last time, his hand resting on the back of your shattered skull.

He caressed the hair that was left, his eyes closing as he tried his hardest to push back the pain in his throat, the ripping of his soul, the shattering of everything he is—was.

He pressed his lips to your forehead. A prolonged kiss he wished would desperately heal you. He gently set you back down to your temporary resting place.

His immense grief quickly turned to anger as his fingers closed your eyes. You were the water his body craved in this intense heat. His long trek through the desert gave him time to settle in his upcoming actions.

Set on revenge for his lover, he ripped his mask off exposing his skin to the blazing sun. His brown eyes blending with the bloodshot background.

He tossed his skull mask to the sand, he wanted them to see the man you made him behind the mask.

_Healed Simon_

But he was no longer healed, all the patch work done to his heart tumbled the moment the bullet hit your skull. The moment you toppled over and your body tensing from shock.

He imagined all the ways he would kill the man that took his sunshine away. The only person able to keep him sane. He tugged his gloves off, shaking the sweat off his forehead as he over looked the enemies compound in the distance.

The wind whipping sand a-crossed his bare face. He began to make his way down the sandy hill with no one to talk him out of his madness, no one to help him fight the calmness of dying with you just to see you smile once more.

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