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[Rhea's Pov]

"Jael!!" I cried out, tears streamed down my face.

I felt a pull in the depths of my being when I found her, lying on the bed, her eyes gently closing with a faint smile lingering on her lips. Everything seemed to blur, devoid of color, shrouded in an overwhelming blackness. A darkness surrounded me, leaving only her form visible, her body resting peacefully.

I cradled her cold body in my arms, noticing traces of black liquid on her face. When I touched her neck, her pulse was fading away. Her once-warm body was now cold and motionless. My entire existence drenched in a flood of agony as a wave of shock and heartbreaking despair overcame me. I felt as though the entire universe had collapsed, leaving me alone in a wide sea of hopelessness.

As I held her, my hands shook and my fingers traced the lines of her face as I desperately hoped to sense some warmth or maybe a glimmer of life. However, there was nothing but the eerie silence of death. The truth of her absence struck me like a never-ending hurricane, ripping through my soul and leaving a gaping hole that seemed unfillable.

My cheeks were dripping with tears as they carried the burden. Each sob was a terrible reminder of the love we had once shared and the unrealized future, like a dagger piercing my heart.

“No! No! Stay with me! Jael! Stay with me! Baby, noooo! Stay with me! Please! Please! Stay with me, baby!!" I screamed, my strength giving way, plunging me into darkness. In that moment, I was consumed by fear, terrified of losing her.

"" I whispered amid my tears, which flowed like an endless river. It pained me deeply to see her lifeless form in my arms, “Jael...” my voice broke as I muttered her name due to the enormity of the loss.

Her lifeless body lay against me, her face placid as though she were simply dozing off. It was agonizing to see the contrast between her serene demeanor and the awful reality of her departure. I clutched to her, trying to force her to open her eyes and smile at me once more as if by pure force of will I could bring her back.

But reality persisted in being harsh and brutal. My heart broke into a million irreparable pieces as I was left alone, cradling the person I loved, her spirit gone. Her absence left me hollow, broken, and completely adrift in a world that had all of a sudden become unbearably gloomy. The pain of her absence rang through every fiber of my being.

"Frey?" a voice, soft yet defeated, trembled through the air as I sobbed, cradling her lifeless body in my arms.

"Freyja..." Vien's voice cracked as she knelt down, her tears mingling with mine. I gently wiped away the black liquid staining her eyes, noticing the small remnants of it inside her closed eyelids.

"No...Frey, no...this is my fault," she whispered, burdened by guilt. I couldn't find words to reply, my tears flowing ceaselessly, uncertain if they would ever stop.

"Rex! Wake up, this can't be! Gumising ka, Rex, tangina! Rex!" Vivien's brother's desperate cries echoed in the room. Jael's lifeless body remained in my arms, but I was numb to the chaos around us.

Her friends, Charlotte, Savannah, and Raya, stood there, witnessing this heartbreaking scene. All of us were kneeling, engulfed in the tragedy unfolding before us.

I had arrived too late...

[Vivien's Pov]

My heart ceased its beat, my breaths came heavy, and tears streamed down my face as I witnessed the girl I had always loved lying there, cradled by the woman before her.

I knelt down, yearning to embrace her lifeless form and apologize for not saving her, for failing to keep the promise I made to her fifteen years ago.

"Call me V, because my name is Vivien!" I cheerfully introduced myself to the beautiful young girl before me.

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