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Ellie was beyond frustrated.

"Seriously, Scott? How can you not remember what floor we parked on?" She asked, crossing her arms in exasperation.

The two of them had been put in charge of getting groceries to restock the new Stilinski-Hale Pack House while the others began to unpack boxes and set up.

She set her bags down with a huff and waited impatiently as Scott fumbled around for the keys.

He set his bags down as well and she let out a groan as her bottle of chocolate milk began to roll away and disappeared underneath a car. "Damn it, Scott." She growled as she knelt down and reached under the car and tried to reach for it.

She froze when it rolled back at her, three puncture marks scraped into the side and a loud growl echoed in the parking lot.

She only panicked for a moment, heart spiking and leaping up into her throat before a wave of calm called out to her from her bond with Derek.

Scott panicked completely. He quickly picked her up and threw her over his shoulder as he took off.

Eris held back a giggle as she watched behind them. Derek chased after them on all fours. It was downright funny to see in person.

Scott set her down beside a truck, pressed a finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet before he leapt up and over cars, setting off the alarms and trying to lure what was chasing them away.

He didn't once look back.

Derek came to a pause in front of her, eyes gleaming before he reached into his coat and threw her an undamaged bottle of chocolate milk. How long had he been following them? Obviously long enough to get her a replacement.

She grinned. Now she wouldn't have to punish him for ruining her milk. She stood up and pressed a quick kiss to his lips, fingers skimming his jaw as a thank you.

He took off after Scott and she followed after at a more leisurely pace.

She smirked as Derek snuck up onto a car's roof. He grinned down at his unsuspecting victim. He reached down and hauled Scott up onto the hood, slamming him down with a claw pressed close to the skin at his throat.

"You're dead." Derek spoke as his head tilted in glee.

Scott deflated. "What... What the hell was that!?" He shouted, eyes wide and still slightly terrified.

Derek shrugged and leapt off the car, landing on his feet silently. Ellie came to a stop at his side, his arm looping around her waist and dragging her into his side.

Derek raised his brows as Scott scrambled to his feet, glaring at Derek with intensity.

"I said I would teach you." Derek shrugged. "Didn't say when."

Scott threw his hands up in the air in a very Stiles like fashion. "You scared the crap out of me!"

Derek held back a grin. "Not yet." He spoke, face blank as he stared at the teenager before him.

Ellie giggled and Scott gave a pout.

"Okay, but I was fast right?" Scott asked, attitude doing a complete 180 as he looked to Derek for praise.

Derek gave a short nod. "Not bad, but not fast enough."

Scott frowned. "But- the car alarms? That was a smart move right."

Derek sighed. "Yes. Until your phone went off."

Scott sighed heavily and his head fell. He glanced down at his phone. "Stiles wants to know what's taking so long."

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now