Chapter Fourteen

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I walked into school the next day freaking out.

After I told Tyson about the baby, and after the fact that he respected my choice of keeping him or her, I still feel like something was going to go down.

I mean we live in a small town and we were only
at the local diner that everyone goes, even though we were the only young ones there, there were parents and old ones there that have children that go here. They could have told them and they could have spread it.

I mean I could be just overthinking because let's just faced it, girls tend to overthink everything, but I can't help but to.

l open up my locker and start taking the books that I need for class when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Tensing up, I slowly turn around to only be faced with a smiling girl with thick-framed glasses and jet black hair.

I give her a questioning look as she just stands there smiling and staring at me like one of those creepy glass dolls that your grandmother would give you for Christmas.

"Ummm can I help you?" I ask as she just shrugs her shoulders.

"I'm Cassidy Wright. I'm new here and I wanted to know if you'd be my friend because let's face it, everyone else here looks fake as hell." She says jumping up as she holds her binder closer to her body.

"I..uh. I don't know. I mean I'm not very popular and I-"

"Oh please. I could give a rats a*s if you were popular." She says rolling her eyes. "So what do you say?"

"Are you sure? I get made fun of every day I wouldn't want you to either."

"Please, people can make fun of me all they want. I want you to be my friend and I'm not
taking no for an answer."

I bite my lip.

Okay, this can go two ways, one she will leave and won't want to be my friends once she finds out how people actually treat me and will join in, or she would leave and won't want anything to do with me because I'm pregnant.

Either way, she won't be staying that much longer, but I can try and hold on as much as I can right?

"Okay," I said causing her to smile. "But I will completely understand if you ever leave and don't ever want to speak to me again."

Cassidy's smile drops into a frown as she stares at me with sad eyes. "Why do you think so low of yourself? You're pretty and so far seem super nice."

I shrug my shoulders as I tuck a loose strand of my hair out of my face. "People just tell me things that I believe."

Cassidy shakes her head. "You shouldn't believe what they say about you because it's not true."

I shrug my shoulders again and shut my locker.

"Yeah well, most people here aren't nice."

Just then the sound of expensive designer heels is heard through the hallway, indicating that the queen bee has welcomed her presence into her beehive.

"Wow Trailer-park, do you have enough food?"

Hannah says with a laugh as she refers towards my food that was laying on top of my books.
I blush a scarlet red as her and her friends
laugh at me.

"Did the bakery forget to the recipe before they made you?" Cassidy says glaring at the group of girls. Hannah and her poses stop laughing and turn to Cassidy with a grin.

"Oh, you must be the new girl!" Hannah says in a fake voice. "I'm Hannah, the one everyone talks about." She says flipping her hair.

Cassidy and I roll our eyes as Hannah just smiles and holds her orange spray tanned hand out.

"You should hang with me at lunch and I'll let your comment slide since you're new and all."

Cassidy look down at the outstretched hand with a frown and shakes her hand as she moves her hand away in disgust.

"No thanks, I don't like fake people with fake tans that only cover their arms and face." She says making Hannah glare at her.

"Fine. I still hold my offer until today. But if you don't change your mind," She says looking from her to me. "I hope you enjoy loserville."

I roll my eyes as Cassidy just scoffs.

Hannah and her poses leave with a dramatic flip of their hair finally leaving Cassidy and me alone.

"My god what a bitch," Cassidy mutters as she shakes her head pushing her glasses up her nose.

"You'll get used to it," I say giving her a smile. Cassidy smiles and loops her arm with mine and starts dragging me away from my locker.

"So what is your name?" Cassidy says giving me a smile.

"Aaliyah Fox."

"Cool. You know foxes are my favorite animal, of course, I'm not saying you look like one." She says giving me a smile.

I laugh and nod my head causing her smile to grow.

"You know what, Aaliyah seems too long for me to speak."

"It is?" I ask confused as she nods her head.

"Yep, I'm going to call you something easier."

My heart sinks. Great. I made a friend for five minutes and she is already going to start calling me Trailer-park.

I guess that's what I get. I finally know the true
meaning when people say, Well it was fun until it lasted.'

Which it did.

At least I can cross of make at least one friend before I die off my bucket list.

"Yep! I think Bestie seems better."

I look over at Cassidy with a smile. I never actually had a friend before so I never got called 'Bestie' before. It somehow made me happy and not because she didn't call me trailer-park.

"I like that,"I say with a laugh as we walk to the first class that we luckily had together.

"Great, but I'm telling you this now, I'm a fatass when it comes to food."

At that we both laugh.

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