Chapter 16

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Rocky And Jax Lincoln Are Very Very Missed


Some days I feel like I really have a grip on my world, and other days, well, other days I feel like a balloon in a hurricane, floating around completely out of control.  Today, is one of those days, since I woke up I have been 3 steps behind, trying to play catch up and not even getting close.

I got my second call from Rock and Tells school today, and to make it worse, it came from the assistant principal Trevor, who I had a horrible date with a few months ago.  I thought I'd never have to see or talk to him again, but thanks to Rock, Tell and their pack of teenage rebels, I not only had to talk to Trevor, but now I have to see him when I pick up Rock, Tell, Cam and Dog from school.  And the fact that Trevor won't tell me exactly what happened, and why I have to go to the school, is the cherry on my f-ed up sundae.

Pulling up to the high school, I send a text to my friend Jilly letting her know I'm picking up the boys, and thanking her for taking care of the girls while I find out what's going on with Rock and the boys.  Turning my phone on silent, I throw it in my purse and stomp up to the office.

"Thank you for coming in so quickly Shea, I'm glad we can work this out between the two of us, without it affecting the boys.  Sadly, the boys made some rather wrong and unfortunate choices today."  Trevors sickly sweet voice comes from the office ahead of me as I round the corner.

Trevor steps out of his office, ushers me in, while leaning in to kiss me on the cheek, moving quickly to the side, I avoid his lips, but feel his hand land on the small of my back resting far too close to my ass.  Stepping away from his touch, I look around until I see the young offenders sitting on a couch, with looks of fury and concern on their faces.

"Well men, want to explain to me why I'm here in an office I do not want to be in, when I should be with the girls at home?  I don't want to hear any bs, or excuses, I'd like to know a good reason why you gentlemen decided to have a discussion with your fists on the football field during 5th period?"  My voice is hard, my eyes are laser focused on the offenders, and my patience is gone.

"Aunt Shea, those fucking assholes had Sarah and Jasmine backed up against the bleachers and wouldn't let them ..."  Rock begins, he's trying to be calm, but I can see that he is fuming.

"I'm sorry to say Shea but the boys ..."  Trevor interrupts Rock and begins to explain, but I do not want to hear his version of the afternoon.

"Please do not interrupt Trevor, I want the boys version, then you can let me know what the schools version is, thank you."  I have zero patience for this jerk.

"They pushed the girls against the fence, and wouldn't let them go, saying that they were 'just biker sluts in training who want it from anyone who wants to give it to them.' Jasmine was trying to push them off, and Sarah was crying, the guys and I were heading to class when we saw it happening, what the fuck were we supposed to do, just leave them to hopefully get the guys to back off?"  Rock is frothing in his anger, and now I feel bad that I had assumed that the boys had done something wrong.

"Was any staff around, someone you could have called to for help?  I'm glad you helped the girls, that was the right thing, but honey, you can't always use your fists!"  I try to give a calm reaction when I am absolutely fuming in anger.

"Fucking staff Shea?  Yeah, the guy who monitors campus was sitting in the bleachers watching and having a smoke break, no fuc....."  Dog is starting to lose it so I interrupt.

"Language Dog, I know you're mad, but cussing in this environment is counter productive."  I stare at him, then raise my eyebrows and look over to up tight Trevor, so Dog knows to slow the f bombs.

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