Two: Junkie

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It had been months since Cullen had left, abandoning my sister in the forest. What a piece of shit! If he ever comes back here, god help him, I'll destroy that man.

Anyways, I'm getting distracted.

Bella still hasn't left her room. She's depressed. I don't know what was going on between her and Edward, and I don't know what happened on that night we found her in the woods, but she's not the same. She barely comes to school anymore, she doesn't spend time with me or dad, she doesn't smile. She isn't living. She's a shell.

She keeps me and dad up every night, screaming and sobbing. I don't think I've ever seen the bags under my eyes this dark. I'm tired. Me and dad take shifts sleeping on the couch, the other dealing with Bella's constant nightmares. It's draining.

I miss Jake as well. I don't have the time to go see him, because I now have to run the house. Dad's always at work, and Bella doesn't leave that one stupid chair in front of her bedroom window.

It was one of those days that Bella had decided to go to school. I mean, she didn't partake in lessons, and she sat at the Cullens old table, but she still went. She drove me home as well, it was the only thing she did to contribute towards our little home; she took me to and from school on the days that she attended.

Dad was waiting on the driveway, pretending to be productive. I clambered out of the truck, offering the man a small smile. He was about to tell Bella that she had to go back to living with Mom, in Jacksonville.

I made my way up the stairs, heading straight for my room. I almost collapsed onto the pile of blankets, pulling my wolf plush ("Grey") towards me, snuggling my head into his fur. I'd abandoned my bag by my desk, not bothering with the homework I'd received today. I didn't care to be honest, I needed a nap.

A knock on my door woke me up. I don't know how long I had been sleeping, but it was for a while, it was dark outside my window.

"Can I come in?" Bella was speaking to me, odd. I called for her to come in, using her presence as motivation to get up and grab some pyjamas out of my drawers.

"Me and Jessica are going shopping tomorrow in Port Angeles, do you wanna come?"

"Yeah! I'd love to. Are we going after school or we bunkin it?"

"After school." And then she left. I tried to get some fun out of her, I'm hoping Jessica will be able to do a better job than I did.


"Bella, why did you pick that shit?"

"Yeah Bella, I don't know why you'd want to sit through that, with no hot guys kissing anyone?" Jessica added, her face screwing up in disgust as we walked out of the movie theater. We'd done an hour or so of shopping, before Bella suggested we go watch that new zombie film.

"Why are there so many zombie movies anyway? Is it meant to draw a parallel to leprosy? Yano, my cousin had leprosy, it's not funny. Or like, is it meant to be a metaphor for consumerism?" Jessica rambled, I actually agreed with her.

"Like what's wrong with just a film about shopping if you want to represent consumerism?"

"I know! Like hot guys and shopping, that sounds like the perfect film. But yano, not all girls even like shopping. Most do, but not all," Jessica complained, glaring at Bella accusingly. On this little 'shopping' trip, Bella hadn't actually done any shopping. Me and Jessica had though. I bought myself two new pairs of jeans, a few t shirts, and a jacket. Jessica had also bought a new jacket, and a few skirts.

"Honestly Bella, I was surprised you even called at all. Like Charlotte, she comes out weekly with me and Ange, but we've barely even seen you since like September. Like this whole depression thing, I get it, I'm totally worried, but like after a while just get over it," Jessica complained even more, but Bella's lack of attention had caught my attention.

She was gazing off down a dingy road, eyes focused on a group of very scummy men on motorcycles.

"You alright girls?" I felt sick, but Bella stopped, eyes focused intently on the man who was shouting at us.

"Bella. Come on."

"Yeah Bella, what are you doing?"

She wasn't moving, eyes just focused on these men. God, I wish I could read her mind, because honestly she must be losing it right now.

"I think I know those guys," She mumbled, her eyes glazed over.

"i don't give a fuck. We're leaving," I fumed, grabbing her wrist.

"Get off me!" She yanked her arm away, turning to walk down the hill, towards these biker men. I'm so sick of her shit.

"Let her get herself killed," I snarked to Jessica, who for the first time ever, wasn't really sure that to say. We watched in silence as Bella headed towards these men. She paused for a second, turning back towards myself and Jessica, taking a step, before turning back around. What the fuck is wrong with her? She continued towards the men, stopping and talking to one of them.

"Oh my god," I groaned, watching as she got on the bike of this guy's motorcycle. Immediately, I pulled my phone out of my pocket, preparing to call Dad. But oh god, he would KILL me. I'm on Bella watch! and I just watched her get on the back of a random man's fucking motorcycle.

"What do we do?" Jessica asked, looking as horrified as I felt.

"We wait."

"Your sister's a psycho."

"I know."

It was barely minutes before Bella returned, looking as frazzled as was to be expected.

"You have fun then?" I asked, already walking towards the parking lot.

"Are you insane? Or like suicidal?"

"I just wanted to see something," Bella mumbled, trailing after me quietly, "that was such a rush though."

"So you're an adrenaline junkie now? Well do something normal, like bungie jumping!"

"I saw some spare bikes not far from us, why don't we go ask jake to fix them tomorrow? That's a safer rush," I suggested. I may be angry, well furious, but i couldn't have her doing stupid things again. Dad would kill me.

"Dad doesn't hear about any of this either, got it?"

"Wasn't planning on it Charlie."

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