Hershey squirts

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Thought I'd try a semi different perspective this time, we'll be reading along as Gracie experiences a serious case of urgent panty ruining diarrhea while her new found friends steer her farther and farther from the nearest toilet.

Gracie had been having tummy trouble as of late nothing that would warrant a trip to the doctor simply an uncomfortable feeling of full and desperate seemingly all of a sudden, one minute Gracie would feel right as rain the next she'd be hurrying towards the toilet as a very large portion of thick mush slopped out of her with ease. She'd blamed slight anxiety as the colprute after she'd gotten a message from two anonymous users not long after she'd went on her little pants wetting adventure.

 She'd blamed slight anxiety as the colprute after she'd gotten a message from two anonymous users not long after she'd went on her little pants wetting adventure

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