Villainess Engaged

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"Oh you'll look lovely in a soft pink with pearls!" Ellis said with a sigh.

"Lots of pearls!" Arin giggled, a whimsical gleam in her eyes.

"Yes! Oh how lovely! Isn't it wonderful! You're finally getting married."

Snorting unladylike, I shove another piece of gourmet chocolate into my mouth and cross my arms as they prance around the room in excitement.

Married? At what cost? Evara's self worth? With a murderer out there? And what about Diana? She's supposed to be a potential love interest for Hawthorne. Am I meant to live as a Duchess with a husband who considers cheating? They don't end up together but that's besides the point.

There's too much drama surrounding Evara while all I want is to nap in a comfy bed, read books, and be a professional slug.

"Please, show us the engagement ring once more!" cried Arin, clasping her hands in front of her as if about to pray.

"Erm, oh. Sure, I guess." Pulling out the black velvet box that arrived today by special delivery, I pull out the engagement ring that has a big fat white diamond in its centre.

I still can't believe Eli Hawthorne doesn't have a single romantic bone in his body. He's in a fantasy-romance but is incapable of setting the bar? No wonder Diana ends up with a Prince. Hawthorne didn't even bother to send flowers or a proper letter of proposal. Just a quick note, cursive letters spelling out, 'for our engagement.'

"Aren't you going to wear it?" Ellis asked shyly.

"And have my finger break off? I'll pass."

"But it's nothing compared to your other pieces of jewelry," noted Arin, tilting her head to see the horror crossing my features.

Recovering, I clear my throat. "Yes, well...death has also altered my...uh..taste in things?"

They shake their heads, covering their mouths in astonishment.

They cease their prancing, returning to plan my engagement outfit since I didn't know a thing and the other servants are too afraid of Evara to set foot in the room.

"Wait...just how many pieces do I have?" I whispered, an idea shaping in my head.

Ellis laughs, but wipes the smile off her face when she sees the patient expectation in mine. "Many, young lady. The Duke has never prevented you from limiting your spending and you quite enjoy shopping."

Of course the villainess is a spoilt brat. Figures.

I sigh, taking Ellis' hands into mine. "Listen to me very carefully. I want you to gather every item of jewelry and clothing, hats and purses too. We're going to sell and donate them."

"WHAT!" Arin and Ellis cried simultaneously.

Flinching, I thank the knock at the door and command the servant to enter. "His grace, Duke Hawthorne wishes to see you. He is currently seated in the sun room."

Groaning, I internally prepare myself for the pair of cold midnight eyes and an expression of 'I'm forced to be here' and wring my fingers before following the servant down corridors.

Duke Hawthorne rises, looking amazing as always in black and silver and gives me a curt nod which I return with a half curtesy. Listen, if he ain't making any effort then neither am I.

The servant leaves, closing the door till there's a fraction left open because of course, sitting across a man on a sofa in broad daylight is oh so scandalous.

"Shall I order for some tea or coffee?" I offered politely, avoiding his penetrating gaze.

"No, thank you. You didn't reply to my missive," he said, rushing through the words as if admitting it bothered him and is humiliation itself.

Scrunching my face, I give him a puzzled glance. "Your missive? You mean the one that said, 'for our engagement' along with the ring? I didn't think it required a response."

"So the ring is to your liking?" he asked instead, unfettered by my sarcasm.

"Erm, yes?"

"You don't require something else? Something more? A bigger diamond?"

My brows shoot up in alarm. "A bigger diamond? Heavens, no. I like my fingers, thank you."

"So everything is...fine?"

"No, it is not," I answered thinly.

Smirking, the Duke leans back and crosses his arms. "I knew it."

"I don't wish to marry you, Eli Hawthorne."

This declaration makes him start, and he fists his palms against the tops of his thighs. "I'm sorry, but I must do the honourable thing and marry you."

"If you keep shoving duty down my throat then I have no choice."

"For what?"

Is it just me or does he look plainly uncomfortable like I'm about to do something terrible? Okay, Evara my girl. You are a queen.

"I want to end this false marriage in one year. No more, no less. It will benefit both of us. Regardless of there being a killer or not, I want to live quietly on one of the Storm estates and you don't want anything to do with me. Everyone knows just how bad I am, so no one will question us breaking things off. I'll even let you break up with me."

With every delectable piece of chocolate, I managed to figure something out—if I'm going to defy death and survive in this typified world of characters then I need to cheat the laws that govern it.

And what's more stereotypical than a contractual marriage?

And at least this way, I can carefully keep an eye on a potential suspect. Even if I'm inclined to believe Hawthorne, he's still a prime suspect who clearly detests Evara and has so much to gain from her death.

"You want to make this contractual?" he said, summarizing my offer into six simple words and ignoring my generosity at allowing him to do the deed.


"Despite everything that's happened?"


"Even that night?"

Oh. Umm...this is unexpected.

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