Chapter Four: My bestfriend

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It's been a week after what happend with our fake friends facade, and it seems to be working.

Although avery has been a little bit suspicious, I mean who would'nt be, one day i say 'I hate him!' And the next day 'Oh were friends now'

I'm currently working at my second part-time job, not that i'm saying Ana doesn't pay well, I just wanted to get some experienced in working at a coffee shop, as a waitress.

It's kinda fun working in this cute cafe, and i get to serve people with their other's. The door chimes with a sall harmonious echoing sound.

"Welcome to cafe de luna!, how may i help you?" i say in a cheery voice, while i quickly turn around just to feel my smile fading, and turning to an annoyed look.

You guy's can guess who the person is.

Ding! Ding! Ding!.

It's archer west! My favourite person in the world!!...not.

He just returned a cheery look, he doesn't have to act like were friends cuz no one's here in the shop

"Glad to see your excited to see me" he says while he's grinning from ear to ear.

God, I wanna punch that handsome stupid face of his!.

"Shut up, it's just part of my job" i say in an annoyed tone.

He chuckled and took a step forward where the counter is, while he looks for something to order, I study his face.

A sharp jawline, slender eyebrows, a sharp yet perfect nose, minight black hair with the perfect combination of emerald green eyes.

He suddenly looks up, making me startled by his action, i freeze 'please don't tell me you saw me checking you out!!.

Oh my god!, that sounds so worse, why am i looking at this bonehead like he's the most handsomest man on earth!.

I snapped out of my thoughts when he waived his big veiny hand infront of my face.

"Uh i'd like to order nerd" he said in a bored tone.
Making me feel stupid.

"Go ahead".

"Just caffiene". I write down his order. "Oh and one strawberry shortcake" i chuckle.

"Are they for lily?" I ask, knowing that lily is allergic to strawberries and ana doesn't like them.

He frozed and grumbled out a curse. "They're" he sighed.

I laughed and dropped the small notebook, covering my mouth with my hands.

Never in a million years, have i ever thought that "the" archer west AKA silverheights notorious bad boy would like a cute strawberry shortcake.

How precious. I say in a mocking tone inside my head.

He glared that made me laugh harder.

After a few seconds of laughing at him,
I got my composure back and picked up the notebook that fell out of my hands while laughing at archer.

I gave him a cheery smile, copying him from earlier this morning.

I cleared my throught before speaking. "I'll prepare it right away" with that said i left to go serve a customer.

I made the coffee and took a slice of the strawberry cake, and I put it on the tray and served where archer was sitting looking at his phone.

He gave me a slight nod. Wow!. what a way to say thank you to someone.

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