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"What was that about?" Stella asked as I moved over to my seat and sat down. "I could see sparks."

"I knew you were a witch." I turned to her with a smile. "You could see sparks."

"Well, not literally," she said, stretching her hands. "What happened over there?"

"Nothing, actually," I said, wanting to keep Damian's story to myself. "We just scheduled a movie date."

"To the cinema?" She expressed interest.

"His house," I responded. "We will watch the Barbie movie." Stella nodded, but Omolara scrunched her nose.

"Hello, ladies!" Chuks yelled from the doorpost.

"Go back to your class, gay boy," someone commented in annoyance, but Chuks paid them no attention as he waltzed to our ears. He sat on my desk and tickled my chin before turning to Stella. To think they'd have stopped with that nickname.

"What's up, lover girl?" he greeted, making her frown.

"Me abi Nsikan?" she pointed at herself, then me.

"All join," Chuks waved off, then leaned closer. "Did you guys see?"

"See what?" I asked him.

"The article that got released yesterday Elue held an interview." I squinted my eyes in thought. He seemed to be referring to the article Danielle showed me.

"Everyone not living under the rock saw it," Stella commented, and I refrained from telling her that I saw mine just this morning.

"Speak of the devil," Omolara commented. Chuks turned his neck a bit to look at what everyone else in the class was looking at, Elue. I felt uneasy seeing her just standing there with a pitiable expression plastered on her face. At first, I braced myself, waiting for Queen and Chloe to also walk through that door and stand beside her while posing in queen bee style, but nothing like that happened. It was just Elue.

She let out a visible sigh and held the strap of her backpack so tightly that I thought if it were human, it would have suffocated to death. Elue pushed a visible bile down her throat before moving further into the class.

I braced myself and hoped she'd just go over to her seat without making any comment that would make me feel guilty. Yes, she did an interview about what the Trix did, but Choe and Queen were still her friends. Seeing that I got them expelled could make her hold some unknown grudges. At the same time, Stella and Chuks were having defensive moments in case Elue did something funny.

Elue was only a few desks apart, and I wasn't sure how to react. I pressed my lips together until she finally got to me. And when I thought she'd walk past my desk to hers, she decided to do the opposite. Elue stopped walking once she got to my desk, forcing Chuks and Stella to stand to their feet. I remained seated while looking up at Elue, who already had her eyes on me. Not just her, but everyone else. The class was looking at us quietly, waiting for something to go down.

When it felt like forever, Elue decided to open her mouth. "I'm sorry." I stared at her in bewilderment, not sure how to react. "I'm sorry for everything I've caused you."

Chuks and Stella looked at each other and slowly went back to their previous positions. "Aren't you angry that I made the school suspend you?"

Elue let go of the strap of her backpack and let her hands fall beside her. "I was..."

I quietly gazed at her while remembering how strict her father was. How much did she suffer last week? I wanted to apologise, but at the same time, I didn't want to.

"...but it's fine," she continued. "I deserved it. I just came to apologise. You might not forgive me, but I just wanted to tell you how sorry I was. I'm not apologising for just me, but for what Chloe and Elue did."

𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: 𝐌𝐈𝐗 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐗 ✅Where stories live. Discover now