(37) The Seventh Seal

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Me and Barnabas are still undisturbed here. I narrow my focus to the first line of the book's final page and begin to parse its twirly lettering. I'm expecting a retelling of the book of Revelation. A grotesque description of the demon's plans for the world, maybe, or some boasting about his resurrection. At minimum a couple of rallying cries to his followers, or threats towards God.

I'm mistaken.

Thus spake The One, "Gather your kin in worship, and all the devout throughout the land, for the wicked masses congregate at Your borders with the intent to bring judgment of their own invention upon this unholy ground." And so They scattered, finding all Their kin in worship, who believed in The One and lived to see His unjust punishment undone. They gathered these in the town that dwelt around the unholy waters where so many had come to Their truth and pledged Their lives and hearts to His cause. That town They called Miranda, where the First Prophet had Her vision, and where so many after Her had seen the light. And here They prayed.

This is about the Sectant Expulsion. That's the only thing I can think of when I see the words "the wicked masses" bringing "judgment of their own invention" on the land. To my knowledge, there was no one else the cult had so much reason to fear. If I'm correct in that assessment, it means this isn't just a book about Mastema, the great MSTM. It's also a record of the cult itself—which makes sense, when compared to the Bible. Most of it isn't about God so much as it is about her followers.

The end of this story begins with the approach of the House of Heymair. They swept down this part of the countryside with swords and torches in hand, rooting out any traces of Catholicism they encountered. Their justification was the corruption of the Catholic Church, but I'm sure at least half of that was an excuse to seize power. It always is.

I keep reading.

And as They prayed, The One blessed Them with another vision. In His own voice, and with His own image, He blessed Them. And He said, "Remember, devoted followers, Your judgment rests not in God's hands, nor those of the ones who would see You slain for Your service of this cause. Your devotion has been seen, Your deeds will be remembered, and Your service will not go unrewarded. When I stand in Heaven, You will stand beside me. You will be crowned rulers of the nations, holiest of the holy, blessed to rule at the right hand of The One."

Judgy bastard. I've no real way to know what kind of blessings a ruler of Heaven can bestow upon followers of their choosing, but with the demon's behavior so far, I think I'm justified in questioning the veracity of his promises. He seems to have a thing for brainwashing people.

They wept, for He spoke to Them as if a great time would pass before They saw Him again. The One saw that They were in distress, and it saddened Him. And so He spoke to Them again, saying, "Wouldst You rather remain by my side, oh faithful ones?" For so great was Their wailing, and so deep Their sorrow at the thought of being apart from Him. And They replied, "We live in service of Thee, oh Great One. What purpose will Our deaths serve, if not to draw Us closer to Thee?"

The One, in His grace, heard Their cries, and was moved by the sorrow of Their wailings. And so He said, "Then You shall be with Me always, and You shall never again fear My absence, nor the hand of those who would see You slain. Your sacrifices will be rewarded to the highest degree when We ascend to the Throne of Heaven together."

I don't like where this is going.

And so He gathered Them all, and in a manifestation of Their devotion, He gave Them eternal life, that They might be near Him always until that final day of judgment should come. The wicked masses stormed Their town, but not a soul walked its streets to give any sign of the worship that transpired there. In their terror, the wicked burned the town, and sought to erase it from their memories.

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