𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 • 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐚

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The rest of the week passes by quickly despite my head reeling over my date with Sasha and how everything went so successfully

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The rest of the week passes by quickly despite my head reeling over my date with Sasha and how everything went so successfully. Granted, it's not like I wanted it to go badly, but I guess part of me just kind of expected that it would.

It's been days since I've been able to really talk with any of my roommates, save for a few hellos and goodbyes as we headed out the door for classes and other functions. Still, although it's not a busy time of the year yet, it's easy to be pulled away by other outside things like hangouts and dates, apparently.

When I get back to the dorm after spending some time at the library for a coffee and a couple hours of research for my honors project, I notice that Norah and Opal's room is empty, while mine actually isn't for the first time in what has felt like months.

"Hey," I say without thinking about it first—something I've been really trying to get better at when it comes to talking to Aspen. It's simple, I know, but at least I'm trying.

"Hey," she says, taking an AirPod out of her ear to hear me better. She's lying down on her bed with her laptop screen facing her, watching a show that I don't recognize at all. "You just get back from class?"

I shake my head, setting my bag down on my desk chair like always. "No, not for another couple of hours. I was just doing some studying."

"Already? It's only, like, the third week." She sits up and closes her laptop, the gesture giving my stomach the tiniest flutter.

"I just want to make sure I'm starting my honors project early enough to make it something to be proud of."

She nods. "What are you planning on doing for it?"

"Probably a film analysis. Either written or video essay."

"Ooh, do a video," she suggests. "I love watching those."

A soft smile finds its way onto my face when she talks to me like this—as if we're actually friends. I know that sounds ridiculous but I'm sure we both hold some sort of resentment for each other in some way, so the fact that she's fighting hers to get along with me is kind of endearing. Even if it's an internal struggle for me to convince myself that it's real.

"What about you?" I ask. "I mean, I know I haven't asked, but I'm sure you were accepted into the honors program as well."

She chuckles, mainly to herself but I catch it. "Not sure yet. I'm thinking I'm just gonna play an extra piece in my piano class." Before I can respond, she instantly asks, "How was your date, by the way? I would've asked earlier but it's been hard to find the time lately."

I smirk. "The date went well! She picked me up and took me to dinner, which was sweet. She also knew, like, everyone there so that was... interesting."

"She did?"

"Yeah, she said she'd been there a lot since she's from the area."

Aspen hums in consideration.

"What?" I ask when she doesn't say anything more.

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