Chapter 22

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It's a long chapter, so make sure you enjoy it.

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After 30 mins everyone arrived at the temple. There was a lot of hustle and bustle, large crowds of people were eagerly waiting to catch one fleeting glimpse of their future kings. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, the air buzzing with excitement as the onlookers exchanged whispers and excited murmurs. The occasion marked a significant moment in the kingdom's history, a day when the transition of power was not just a formal ceremony but a spectacle that captivated hearts and minds. Families had gathered, children perched on their parents' shoulders, all eager to witness the historic event unfolding before their eyes.

The anticipation grew as the appointed time drew near. Security personnel maintained a vigilant watch, ensuring order amid the swelling crowd. Cameras clicked, capturing the essence of the moment, and reporters eagerly awaited the chance to document the reactions of the people as they caught sight of the future rulers.

All the family members got out of their cars and were immediately surrounded by bouncers who were making way for them towards the temple. Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd as the doors swung open and all them entered the temple which was completely decorated with flowers of every colour and variety imaginable. Vibrant blossoms hang in garlands from the ceiling, forming intricate patterns that cascade down like floral waterfalls. Marigolds, roses, lotus flowers, and jasmine blooms adorn every available surface, creating a riot of colour and fragrance. The air is filled with the sweet, heady scent of the blooms, which adds to the temple's sense of serenity and reverence. The fragrance of the flowers mingles with the soft hum of prayers and the gentle rustling of leaves in the temple garden, making it a truly enchanting and tranquil space. Fragrant incense fills the air, creating a serene and sacred atmosphere. The soft glow of the candles and the gentle flicker of oil lamps add to the temple's enchanting ambiance.

All of them moved closer to the main shrine and bowed reverentially towards the goddess praying for wellness and the smooth flow of events. The Rajpurohit asked Ekansh, Vihaan, Aarav and Ansh to step ahead and take a seat Infront of the goddess and were asked to perform a few rituals, at the end the Rajpurohit handed each of them their swords which symbolized honour, duty, and the solemn responsibility they were about to undertake. The clinking of the swords echoed through the air, cutting through the excited murmurs of the crowd. As they held the gleaming blades in their hands, a profound stillness settled around them, emphasizing the gravity of the moment.

The swords, carefully crafted and adorned with intricate designs, symbolized more than just the royal lineage. They were a representation of the kingdom's history, the battles fought, and the challenges overcome. Each swing of those blades would carry the weight of tradition, a legacy to be upheld with unwavering dedication.

The Rajpurohit, standing beside them, spoke solemn words, emphasizing the significance of the swords they now possessed. He reminded them that these were not merely weapons but tools to protect, to lead with justice, and to defend the realm. The crowd listened in respectful silence, the air filled with a sense of reverence for the age-old customs being observed.

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