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After a long fight back to Monaco Lando rushed through the airport gathering his McLaren that had been sitting there for a week or two. Quickly putting his things in the sports car he gets in the driver's seat starting the car, the engine rumbling under him.

Driving through Monaco nearly getting pulled over a couple times he made it to the shared apartment quickly but not quick enough for him as he entered the private parking garage his growing collection of cars sat in it including the newly bought Lamborghini urus cause well a fiat jolly probably wasn't the best family car.

Gathering his things taking the elevator up the many floors to where the penthouse sits overlooking Monaco. Stepping out of the elevator immediately finding the front door to the apartment opening the door music played through the apartment Taylor swift to be exact. Lando smiles at the familiar scent of home and he could hear Matilda laughing, a sound that is always welcomed to him.

Assuming that they heard the door open as it went silent only hearing the music play. Lando could hear a bit of movement in the living room before footsteps were coming towards him Matilda coming into view seconds later waddling her way as quickly as possible to him dropping his things on to the floor. Arms wrapping around each other as their lips connect instantly although it was interrupted by Ollie.

"Disgusting" he yells Lando and Matilda pull apart and she moves sideways as her arms are still wrapped around Lando.

" Go away Ollie" she laughs as she leans her head on to landos chest, the sideways hug much more comfortable than a regular hug because of her bump.

Lando chuckles as the friends' antics are normal around here. Hugging for a few more seconds before their arms fall Tilly leads the way into the living room where Ollie and Oakley sit at the coffee table making friendship bracelets Tilly had been laying on the couch Braxton Hicks becoming a normal as she gets further into her pregnancy Lando knew about them of course which was why he was so nervous to leave her as Braxton hicks could very quickly turn into actual labor.

"Hey loser" Oakley greets glancing up at Lando who laughs knowing that he wasn't a loser this week.

"Not this week Oakley" he smiles as he flops onto the couch tiredness hitting him finally. Matilda sits next to him leaning into his side and he swings his arm around her pulling her closer his other hand finding her belly a kick being felt instantly.

Rubbing her stomach kicks still being felt non stop as he enjoys the company. Although Tilly's friends and Lando like to pick on eachother they had also became good friends which was a good thing of course cause if they hadn't Lando and Matilda probably wouldn't have worked out as well as they did.

Ollie and Oakley looked at the couple who both had their eyes closed nearly asleep. They chuckle at the sight which makes Lando open his eyes wanting to see what they were laughing at, noticing that they were looking at him and Tilly. He gives them a questioning look. They laugh again before telling him to go to bed as well as the girl

Matilda says no as she doesn't want to move but her friends push her forcing the couple to lay in their own bed together. She groans as Ollie pulls her up onto her feet Lando following her movements stretching his arms up. They walk to their bedroom Lando following behind the girl as she slowly makes her way there.

She goes straight for the bed shedding her clothes before she hops in leaving her in her T-shirt and underwear and Lando goes and takes a shower first knowing that his girl would probably murder him if he got into bed after being on a plane he knows this because he has been threatened before.

Taking a shower as fast as possible then drying off as quickly throwing a pair of underwear on then hopping in bed Tilly already asleep laying on her side facing the floor to ceiling windows. He put his arm on her stomach and she had pulled her shirt up leaving her stomach out and Lando fell asleep quickly as well.

Many drivers would probably be out partying when it's their first win and yeah maybe that would be Lando if Matilda wasn't pregnant he didn't care either way they had more than enough time to celebrate later in his opinion coming home to Tilly and their little munchkin was a better celebration anyway.


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