chapter 4

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Mishika's exams just got over today and she jumped in excitement coming out of the exam centre making her friend Pooja chuckle.

Finally No more studies...... Mishika said spining around holding Pooja's hand and both the girls laughed enjoying their moment.

This calls for a celebration, let's go to our favourite cafe ....Pooja suggested and Mishka nodded happily.
They reached the cafe and occupied their usual spot near the window.

They placed their order and were discussing about their intership when a group of boys entred the cafe and occupied the table just behind theirs.

You just wait here I need to use the loo ...saying Mishka excused herself and Pooja sat their waiting for their order .

One of the boy looked at Pooja sitting alone and whistled gaining her attention.
It would be sheer disrespect if I let a beautiful girl sit alone ....he said winking at her making Pooja look away feeling disgusted.

The other boys of the group laughed hi fiving with each other .
The boy approached her table and bent near her making Pooja look at him with wide eyes.

Look mister , stay within your limits otherwise it won't be good for you....Pooja warned him making him smirk .
What will you do sexy lady ......he asked gazing at her lustfully .

Pooja tried to stand up but he caged her putting his hands on the arm rest of the chair .
This attitude suits your Beauty I must say ....he said trying to touch her face but she yanked his hand away making him laugh evilly.

Drop this act now and give me a kiss ....he said grabbing her chin making her horrified but before he could do anything further he was pushed off resulting in him falling back on the floor.

All the boys stood up and Mishika glared at them .
How dare you to touch her ....she shouted pointing her finger at him .
Robin who was one of them came forwards with an evil girn .

How come I didn't noticed this wild cat .....he asked checking out Mishika.
Just shut your garbage mouth otherwise I know how to teach lessons to leeches like you ....Mishika said hurting Robin's ego .

You don't have any idea girl whom you are messing with .....Robin warned her .
Ohhh Rascals like you don't need any introduction. It's clearly written on your disgusting face ....she said fueling his anger .

You bitch I will show you what I can do ....Robin said grabbing her arm.
Mishika pushed him hard and gave a tight slap to him stunning everyone.
The owner arrived with the security and dismissed them before it could escalate any further.

You will regret this ......Robin threatened before leaving the place with his gang .
Are you ok ....Mishika asked Pooja who nodded with a small smile .
Let's just not spoil our mood because of those silly excuses of a man ..... Mishika said taking her seat and both laughed enjoying their food .

They both laughed filling up their stomachs discussing the future plans not knowing about the upcoming storm that would change their life completely.

Ummhhhaa.....Shreya kissed Abhimanyu's cheek making him smile .
I am so happy today , finally I will be meeting your family .....She said clinging to his arm .

What if you got rejected.....he asked .
That won't happen. I know that much for sure ... She said confidently making him raise his brows .
Let's get going then ....he held her hand moving towards his car .

Abhimanyu and Shreya were stuck in the traffic 🚦 from last 1 hour .
Abhimanyu got out of the car to inquire about the matter when he heard a girl trying to sort out the way for the ambulance 🚑 wearing her helmet.

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