Chapter 35 - Reconciliation

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The hideout, had transformed into a sanctuary for a small community of survivors. We had welcomed those who had narrowly escaped the chaos of the camp, who, like us, sought safety and a chance to regroup. In this fragile haven, we huddled together,fear hanging in the air.

Joel was safe, and I took a moment to watch over him as he and other survivors began to settle among the newcomers. The children seemed to find comfort in one another, and June's maternal instincts had been an unexpected source of solace for them.

However, my relief was fleeting. The shadow of the explosion still loomed over us, and we remained cut off from the rest of us. There was no sign of Jane, and the gnawing worry for her safety weighed heavily on me.

Amid the hushed conversations and the shared expressions of anxiety, a familiar voice broke through the tension. "Thomas?" Noah's voice called out, filled with a mix of hope and trepidation.

I turned to find Noah, Vera and Zane, emerging from the foliage and into the safety of our hideout. Their arrival was a bittersweet moment, a reunion that brought both relief and fresh waves of concern.

"Noah, Zane," I greeted them, the words punctuated with both joy and unease. "You're here. But where's Jane? We lost contact during the chaos."

Noah's face bore the weight of worry, and he shook his head. "We thought she was with you," he explained.

Zane's expression mirrored the concern etched into Noah's features. "We couldn't get through to her on the radio. She was with General Hargrove when it happened."

The implications of their words hung heavily in the air, and it was clear that the situation had grown even more dire. Jane, remained unaccounted for, and the fear of her wellbeing was a heavy burden to bear.

"We need to find her," I declared, my voice tinged with urgency. "She can't be out there alone."

Noah and Zane exchanged glances, their determination clear. We were united in our resolve to locate Jane, to bring her back to safety, and to reunite our scattered family.

In the midst of our planning, we were reminded of the sacrifices made in the name of survival.

"Lets go find her" Lucas says, standing tall, but clearly struggling, he takes a step and collapses, and then we saw blood, he is injured.

June examined Lucas's wound, fear being in her face, concern for her husband is showing in her wrinkles, and the grim realization settled upon us. Lucas had been bitten, a walker's teeth having pierced his flesh in the midst of the struggle. It was a death sentence, one we had all dreaded since the very beginning.

Lucas himself met this revelation with a stoic demeanor, though his eyes betrayed the pain and fear that swirled within. We did our best to offer comfort, to surround him with a sense of unity, but the knowledge of what lay ahead was a crushing weight on us all.

"I don't want to become one of them," Lucas admitted, his voice shaking. "I've seen what it does to people."

Our community members had faced the reality of this world before. We knew that when someone was bitten, it was a death sentence. Turning into a walker was inevitable, and there was no cure, no hope for a different outcome.

The hours that followed were fraught with a heavy silence, each of us grappling with our own grief and fear.

"Kill me, before i turn into that" Lucas says, as he hands us the gun.

tears stream down June's and Noah's cheeks, losing a husband, losing a father, it must be hard watching it happened, and not being able to change fate.

Zane takes the gun, "You did it for my father, so i will also relieve you from this pain, uncle" i see a tear running down his cheek. i walk away, making sure none of the kids, especially Joel was seeing what is happening.

As i stand here, watching over Joel, knowing a death is happening behind my back, i cannot stop thinking about Jane, and what that general might be doing to her, i bet he is behind all of this.

The gunshot sounds, and everybody in this hideout get startled, including me.

Zane stands beside me

"Let them mourn" he whispers to me, indicating that, that area is not for us right now.

"What should we do? What about Jane" Zane asks me.

"I will go out and find her" i say

"i am coming with you" Zane turns to me, sure of his words.

"No, you need to think of Joel" i pause "Do you trust me? i will get her back" i state.


Word count : 770

By night-ed

Book one : Untold Story


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