Chapter 11 - Extremity

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The day that followed was started like any other; Lauren woke up from a dreamless sleep, brushed her teeth, skipped over breakfast, and made her way to the barn. All in that order. 

The sun was particularly hot that day, scorching the earth with its fiery presence. Sweat beaded on her skin near instantly and before she knew it, she had soaked through her shirt all the while her hair stuck to her forehead uncomfortably. Her cargo pants did wonders when it came to keeping the sun off her legs, but did absolutely nothing when it came to the heat rolling off her. At least they had plenty of pockets for her to choose from.

Lauren huffed and swiped away a drop of sweat as she flipped over a dated microwave.

Megatron sat rigidly in his corner of the barn, not making a move to engage. His wires had been surging all morning with no apparent reason, yet his mind told him something was amiss. His optics found Lauren's small form and he studied the way she worked. Music was lost on her that day as the small archaic radio had ceased to work, only playing high pitched static.

The radio was the very least of his concerns. His shoulder servos whirred as he kept on edge.

"Awfully quiet today." She had commented, but Megatron had made no move to respond or even dignify her with a reaction and she left it at that. 

The decepticon tried time and time again to utilize his hailing frequency, but all that he was graced with was that same high pitched static.

It made no sense and it took all of him to not lash out and keep himself leveled.

The static was deafening and when searched, offered him nothing, same with the radio. His optics narrowed and he scowled deeply. A thought dawned on him, but he must be sure in his assumptions.

Once is a coincident,

"Girl, is your communication device in service?" His tone was firm and lined with edge, he stared her down.

"My phone? Uh-" Lauren wiped her hands along her shirt hem and pulled the small device from her pocket. One click of the power button and nothing. Two clicks and still nothing. A thread of panic weaved its way into her. "No, it's not. Why?"

Twice is a pattern.

Megatron felt his spark ignite with furry when the sound of encroaching vehicles assaulted his audio receptors. Multiple enroot and approaching fast.

"Get out." Megatron ordered in a growl through clenched denta as he got to his full height, shaking the ground with his movements. 

"W-what? But, I'm still-"

"Leave or die." The decepticon order harshly as he readied his left blaster, his eyes seemed to have shown brighter as a blood lust and vengeance took ahold of him.

Lauren scurried to her feet as she too caught the, now admittedly closer, sounds of engines tearing into the dirt road. The rev sounded like wordless threats. 

Panic colored her as she stole one last glance at the mech. She emerged from the barn, being sure to pull the doors securely closed behind her in an attempt to conceal the warlord. 

It was only then that she noticed how close the convoy was. Her heart plummeted and she was racked with fight or flight. All the hairs across her body stood on end in a primitive way of saying "go away" and she took long strides away from the barn as the vehicles tore into her front lawn, sending dirt and grass up everywhere.

She couldn't count how many men emerged from within. Tactical gear clung protectively to their bodies and she became immediately aware of the helicopter hovering just above her home, the wind sent her hair flying up in all directions wildly. 

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Where stories live. Discover now