chapter 20: happy hour

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Vincent's pov:

All I wanted to do was be embraced like this forever, but as we know, all good things must come to an end.

I wanted to hug Nat much longer than I had originally intended, but I knew that my main priority at this point was her safety and that wasn't going to be accomplished with us standing here for what already feels like forever. To my dismay, I unfortunately broke up our thoughtful embrace and stepped to her side. I willingly stood to the edge of the path whilst keeping Nat more towards the inside of it.

Trust me when I say that, I know about the sidewalk rule.

I always had manners hammered into me ever since I could remember. Needless to say, I was brought up to be quite the gentleman. Not to push my own buttons of course. We continue to walk for another few minutes but atleast this time Nat and I sparked a small conversation on our way there.

All of a sudden, Nat questions me "So I heard you used to call me princess when we were younger?" She pauses for a second before starting again "What is up with that?" She even arches one of her eyebrows. I knew she was curious of the unassigned nickname but even a little part of me truly hoped that she had remembered.

In some ways it broke my heart to watch how I knew my sister but she barely knew me at all.

She didn't even have a recollection of our childhood memories together. I wanted to remind her of every little incident that we had encountered together, all the numerous adventures we would take, all the times we would eat ice cream, but to her, they were nothing but a blur. If I'm being honest, it hurt. It hurt like shit. But I knew deep down that after a while she would warm up to us and we could be a happy family again.

Like we all once were..

I shove my depressing memories to the backend of my mind and all I wanted to do was spend the rest of my time with my princess. I wanted to make it up to her since we haven't really had a proper chance to hangout together without me telling her off for something. I wanted us to share the same brother-sister bind like what we had before.

I'm 99% sure that I would achieve that dream in a matter of mere weeks, or even months with the right mindset.

"Uh yea, you used to force me to play with your many Barbie dolls with you, and you always managed to give me the princess one." I chuckle as the scene replays in my mind. Oh boy, I missed those times so much. Everything was so much peaceful and less stressful.I was truly living the life back then. Nat raises her eyebrow further than before.

"Really? I don't remember having that many Barbie dolls." Nat scrunches her tan face.

My eyebrows furrow deeper than earlier at her recent recollection of her past memories. "You loved them. I even remember you made me count all of them. 183 to be exact." I smile whilst I recall the joyful moment. "You remembered?" she asks me with an intriguing face. "How could I possibly forget?" I counter back. Nat let's out a small chuckle before she nods her head and continues to walk forwards, me joining by her side. We walked and walked until we came across the nearby pier.

Brazil at it's finest.

We were in Rio de Janeiro. One of the finest cities in all of Brazil. It had gorgeous landscapes and the beauty was unmatched to the rest of the world's. Some people could say that I was being biased, but until you see it for yourself, you'll know what I mean. We began to walk along the never ending pier that hovered over aqua coloured water.

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