this is just the beginning

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Nobody spoke.

Rebecca's jaw dropped, unconsciously, as her eyes widened looking straight in my eyes. Normand and Joe who stood close to her as well as the delegates they've brought with them had the same reaction.

"H-how can this be? Our reports surely weren't wr--" Joe struggled to find his words before being stopped by Rebecca.

She looked at the ground for a second before returning her eyes to mine.

"This must be another trick--" Normand tried to say from behind Rebecca but I cut him off as well.

"Are you still going to call this a trick? Bewitchment? When you know that these eyes are the very symbol of the goddess?" I ask, silently thanking Hannah for drilling the information in my head when I happened to tell her how I hated when my eyes glowed.

Instead on hating these eyes, she told me that I must be proud of them for they are the very symbol of the goddess' mark on us.

Normand turned to Rebecca for support. The latter, however, was still in a daze as she looked at me. There was something in the way she looked at me that I don't quite understand.

Yes, there is the look of hostility. The look that undoubtedly distrusts and dislikes me, but then there were moments when she looked at me as if... she knew me.

Or maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me. She seemed far too cold of a woman to have such a nostalgic sentiment.

When she caught me looking at her questioningly though, her eyes turned icy and devoid of warmth once more. She showed only her animosity.

Rebecca took a deep breath and tried to smile. "It seems we were wrong, you are indeed a werewolf," she says but I didn't like her tone. It seemed too simple, too easy. "That is all the Council wanted to ensure... that we didn't have fakes among us. You can never be too sure these days."

Again, nobody spoke. Nobody responded to her otherwise double-sided comment but then Cassian steps in beside me.

"Well now that you've done your business, I suggest you go back to the Capitol now report them your findings. We would house you, but the pack house is full at the moment. I'm sure you would understand," Cassian says matching Rebecca's tone.

I look to him and almost whisper to him that the only ones staying at the pack house were the staff and us. Other than that, there were more than 20 rooms unoccupied.

Normand practically almost threw his cape away. "Preposterous! This pack has been left to think too highly of themselves! How could you treat delegates of the Council this way?!" he rants angrily.

Although both Joe and Rebecca seemed to share the same sentiments as the more emotional Councilor, they simply put their capes back on.

"That is quite alright, Alpha. But please know that this rudeness will not be forgotten," Joe tried to say in a calmer tone.

Cassian only smiled and crossed his arms.

"Don't worry, we haven't forgotten everything you've done to us too," Cassian manages to snide before they all turn around and went on their way.

As we watched every single last one of them leave, I could feel my knees getting weaker and my heartbeat finally calming down. Managing to pull a strong front was more difficult than I would have thought. Not to mention I have just woken from another long slumber of visions that did not make sense. Visions that were mostly cold, dark, somber and lonely.

When they were out of sight, my body gave in and I was about to hit the ground had it not been for Cassian who was beside me, catching me quickly.

The others surrounded me in a heartbeat and as I worked to even my breathing, they were bombarding me with questions that I could no longer hear, just a buzz of words.

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