Chapter 9 | Lakeview's Fury

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"So that's her?" Cody grinned.

"Yep, the girl of my dreams. She's my everything." I sighed.

"Ok lover boy, just make sure you focas on kicking Lakeview's ass."

"No problemo, piece of cake,"  I smirked.

The bus arrived at Lakeview College and I noticed their hockey rink being just as large as ours. We've played them before, but as an away game, this was a suprise.

We pulled up to the building and made our way to the guest locker room. I geared up and tied my skates.

Coach went over our game plan to give us a rough idea on how it should play out. Then it was time to get on the ice to warm up.

A rush of adrenaline filled me as I grazed the ice. The group did a few laps before Zach came to skate next to me, "I hear your girl is here."

I tilted my head to the side, "How the hell do you know?"

"Cody told me," He explained, "I didn't know you were seeing someone."

"It's complicated right now. We have only been on one date and she came to our last home game. We aren't settling on anything yet." I shrugged, I wanted to call her mine but I know it's too soon.

"So is she cute?" Zach smiled, "You seem head over heels. I've never seen you like this. I'm happy you finally found your someone."

"She's gorgeous," rolling my eyes, "It's my old figure skating partner by the way."

His jaw dropped, "No fucking way."

I fought back a smirk, "Yup."

Coach called the whistle to start practicing shooting. The audience began taking their seats. I knew Lydia was in the crowd, and a smile filled my face.

Soon it was my turn up to shoot. I dribbled the puck and just to show off, I backhanded it. The audience applauded.

My gaze scanned the crowd as I wandered to the back of the line.

Just like that, my eyes found her.

She was sitting with her friends by her side. I could see her beautiful smile from here. I wanted to feel her lips touch mine.

The lights soon dimmed and a whistle was called to be free from the ice. Players' names were called to start. Myself included. I skated to my place on the blue line. I could have been imagining it, but I could hear Lydia's cheers.

The puck was thrown and the game was well on its way. I stole the puck from between another player's legs and I started the trek to the other end of the rink.

On my way however, a player came up and shoved me, forcing me to pass the puck. Cody was close enough.

He took it with precision and wove his way closer to the net. After I passed it, another player shoved me into the boards.

Needless to say, this was going to be a classic Lakeview game: rough and unforgiving.

I quickly got up, a little embarrassed knowing Lydia and her friends were in the crowd, but I persevered.

Cody struggled to get past Lakeview's defense, but took the shot anyway.

Their goalie caught it, and the whistle was called.

We went to take a break in the players box, and our coach gave us advice. The team silently nodded and proceeded to watch our players get pummeled out on the ice.

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