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18. May She Rest In Peace

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I exhale in awe, "You would do that for me?"

"It is not only for you," Nicco retorts through a penetrating gaze. "Do not forget. I have a stake in this as well. Jaime was fucked the moment he fucked with my family."

I should be horrified by the idea of killing someone in cold blood, but my pulse is racing with excitement and shock at this new, darker side to Nicco. He sounds like the devil, and I fucking love it. Maybe there's a devil in me, too. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to destroy Jaime, and I've always wanted to avenge Maya's death. I just never thought that it would be within my reach. Something moves in me, rife with a raw, powerful emotion.

I feel an uncontrollable urge to share, "Her name was Maya, by the way."


In a bittersweet way, it's nice to hear someone else say her name out loud. "Yes."

"May she rest in peace. I hope Maya is in a better place now."

"I think I'm still fucked in the head because of what Jaime did to her."

"You're not fucked up. You're human."

"She was a better person than me in every way," I whisper. "Sometimes, I wish I could've died in her place."

"Please do not wish for such things."

"Why not?"

Grudgingly, he mutters, "Then I would be the one missing you."

My breath hitches. "I thought you couldn't wait to get rid of me?"

"Every time I make up my mind," Nicco sighs, "you force me to reconsider. Honestly, I do not know what I feel for you anymore."

I grimace.

He lets out a harsh laugh. "I suppose this has always been my problem with you. I cannot seem to stop caring."

"Neither can I," I swear softly, "I won't let you down again, Nicco. I promise."

"Save your pretty words for another day. I may have a soft spot for you, but it is too early to determine whether your plans are credible. Or simply another well-laid trap."

"I swear on my dad's life that I won't keep secrets from you anymore."

"Trust and loyalty mean everything to me. It used to be a matter of life or death in the world my family operated in. Even if your heart was in the right place when you went behind my back with your schemes against Manning and Jaime, your actions have broken our bond in unimaginable ways."

"I know," I mumble, "I don't expect forgiveness. I just want a chance to make it up to you."

He quickly changes the subject. "How is your father doing? Is he stable?"

I swallow the thick, heavy ache in my chest and follow his lead, "I think so, but I can't be sure. I'm on my way to see him right now."

"Update me on his condition later?"

"I will."

"What can I do to help?"
To my shock, life has returned to his voice. There's warmth in him again. I cling to it like a bitch starving for affection. They say that no man is an island. I hope it's true. More than anything right now, I need someone to drag me to shore before I'm drowned by my own demons. The old me would've refused to take advantage of Nicco's generosity. But I'm too desperate to care. I'll do anything to get my dad away from Jaime.

Despite the damning note in my hotel room, I willingly place my fate in Nicco's hands. Trust needs to be a two-way street. I owe him this much after the shit I pulled on him. If Nicco's willing to meet me halfway, I'll break every single one of my rules for him.

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