The Party

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After camping we got ready and went to school, the week went by and Friday came. Amelia's party came.

I'm busy getting ready right with Hazel at my house.

"You should wear a dress, that shows ALOT of boob" Hazel says sarcastically with her eyes widend

"Yeah, sure. I'm just going to wear these denim shorts and.... What top should I wear?" I say grabbing the denim

"What about this yellow crop top with a tiny butterfly on it?" Hazel says, tossing the crop top at me

"But it's too cropped. Too high" I say concerned

"It's fine. I'm going to wear this whit looking bra thing" Hazel says, showing her shirt to me

"Ok, you can change in the bathroom, I'll change here."

"Sounds good to me" Hazel says walking into my bathroom

Once we're done, I text Henry to come pick us up. We say bye my mom after putting on our white converse and heading out the door

Henry stops and we get in. I'm in the front, Hazel in the back

"You guys ready?" Henry says says before driving again

"Ready" me and Hazel say


We arrive at the Party
We all in. I see Liam and Kai so we head over to them. We're just enjoying our time

"Hey!! Who want to play 7 minutes in heaven" Amelia shouts while she's standing on a table

Everyone is cheering and following Amelia.

"We're definitely joining, we can't just stand here like a bunch of losers" Kai says while following Amelia

We decide to follow as well.
We get into a big room. I'm guessing this is Amelia's room.
We all sit in a circle on the floor.
I'm sitting next to Laim and Hazel

"Ok, so who want to spin first?" Amelia says excitingly

No one says anything

Amelia rolls her eyes "Ag, I'll go first"

She spins, it lads on a random guy and they go in her bathroom for 7 minutes. Then they get out and the game continues
It's Amelia's turn again. She spins and the bottle land on Henry

Henry and Amelia used to have a thing. Not a relationship, just used each other for sex... so this'll be interesting...

"Ooo" Kia says, and winks at Henry

The go in the bathroom, the 7 minutes go by and they get out.

"Scooch over" Henry whispers to Laim
"I wanna sit next to Sky"

Poor Laim. He moves and Henry sits next to me
He spins the bottle and it lands on... ME
Why me??????
We look at each other. Henry stands up and helps me get up. We go to the bathroom, then close the door

"So, did you guys kiss?" I ask trying to make the time go faster

"Yeah, but I don't wanna talk about it" Henry says and looks down
"Are we going to do this or what?"

"Do you want to?" I say not knowing if I even want to

"We can just chill. If that's cool with you" he says this time looking at me, with his eyes. Their so beautiful

"Yeah, it's fine" I say looking back down

We talk and stuff. The time runs out so we get out of the bathroom I sit on my place and he sits next to me
My turn to spin, so I spin. It land on KAI!

"Let's go, love" Kai says while holding my hand and leading me to the bathroom. We get in and close the door
He pushes me carefully against the coner of the wall. His on hand on the other side of the wall. I can't escape.

We stare deeply into each other's eyes

"Look, I'm not the type to ask but are you going to be comfortable with me kissing you?" He says as his breath gets heavier, actually sounding concerned

"Yeah. It's fine" Is it really though?

His hands go to my waist. He closes his eyes. So I close mine
I feel our lips touching. I put my arms around his neck. I feel his tongue sliping in. For some reason I don't stop. I feel his body going against mine.
His hand Messaging my back, and my waist.

Damn, he's a good kisser.

The timer goes off. He pulls back. Then he opens the door.

"Lady's first" Kai says in charming voice

I go and sit down at the same spot.

"Did yall kiss?" Hazel whispers to me

"Yup" I whisper back

The night goes on. Me and Kai have been making eyes contact the whole night.
I started feeling tired so I asked Henry to take me home but he was to busy kissing Amelia. I swear if they start their thing again I'm going to scream. He wasn't banging random girls that much anymore

Right now I'm just sitting on the couch, because Hazel came with me and Henry so her car isn't here and I don't want to call my mom. Laim took Hazel home anyway because she started not feeling well.
But I think she got drunk, because the way she was acting, she was definitely on something

"You look tired love" Kai says and sits beside me

"I am" I say while crossing my arms

"I can take you home, or to my house. It's closer"

"Anywhere." I say but I don't even have enough energy to talk

"Okay sleepy head" Kai chuckles "let's go"

"Let me just tell Henry that we're leaving" I say, while my eyes are searches around the room

"you sure about that love?" Kai asks and points to Henry and Amelia making out in the Kitchen

" Oh..." stupid Amelia. She can go suck someone else

"Don't worry, I'll text him" Kai says and gives me a sincere smile

We get outside and into his car

"Okay now, seriously, where do you wanna go? I really don't mind if you want to come to my house"

"Your house. Then we can watch a scary movie" I say exitedly "and my mom said she's working late. When she says that she usually means she not coming back till morning, and my brother is not at the house. So I'm kinda scared to be alone"

Kai smiles "ok love"

He drives to his house. On the way here I told my mom that I'm not going be home tonight.

We get in and go to his room

"Aren't your parents home?" I ask

"No, their never really here. Why?"

"Because you're being really loud"

"Oops" Kai says and knocks a book over

"Shit" I say, putting my hands on my face then removed them "I don't have pajamas"

"It's fine just use one of my T-shirts. Your small so it will probably just look like a dress"

"Thanks" I say, ignoring the fact that he called me small


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