Chapter 61-65

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Chapter 61 Don’t Want to Go Home

Did Valerie really love eating strawberry mille–feuille cake?

Actually, she herself was not sure.

No one asked her what she liked to eat, and no one wanted to know what she liked to eat.

In the previous life, the longest time I saw

Zoe was when she was eating a thousand–layer cake.

The sweet strawberry flavor, along with the creamy texture that makes one’s mouth water, and the pink and tender color.

Once upon a time, it was also Valerie’s favorite and admired color.

She watched as Zoe ate hungrily, and she also found herself salivating.

“Mom, Mom, I also want to eat.”

In the beginning, she would also timidly ask Reyna, but every time Zoe heard t his, she would become anxious, thinking that Valerie wanted to snatch her foo d.

When she was anxious, she would start to breathe rapidly and her face would turn pale.

Reyna, Reese, or the other brothers instantly panicked and immediately took her to the hospital. Before leaving, they even s aid Valerie was not sensible.

But she just wanted to have a taste.

After being kicked out, she used her own salary to buy her first gift, which was a strawberry mille–feuille cake, on her birthday.

She devoutly looked at the cake she had bought with her own strength.

The whole person was excited and satisfied in an unusual way, she stared at a small triangular layer cake for a long time.

She was so moved that tears welled up in her eyes.

Afterwards, silently and with tears, she consumed this delicious yet heart– wrenching cake.

In the following years, every time it was her birthday, she would buy herself a small strawberry mille–feuille.

Eyen on my 20th birthday when I found out I had a terminal illness, I still bought a strawberry mille–feuille.

That night, Valerie had a dream. In the dream, she arrived at a warm place th at she had never felt before, and the entire place was filled with a pink and tender color.

There was a crowd of people surrounding her, all hugging themselves affectio nately.

Until the end, there was a blurry figure that was completely different from the others , coming toward her.

Just like treating a rare treasure, gently holding her hand and saying somethin g.

But I couldn’t hear clearly.

What was he saying?

Valerie tried to get closer to him, but still couldn’t hear anything.

Suddenly, the screen shattered, and the pink world turned back into a pitch– black color.


The feeling of weightlessness made Valerie shudder all over, waking her up di rectly from her sleep.

Forehead and soles of the feet were covered in cold sweat.

She was still haunted by fear.

The sky outside the window was already dawn, and the sound of busy footste ps from the workers had begun.

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