Chapter 1 - The first day

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Arabella pov:

I walk through the hallways of my new school, it's my first day and I'm so nervous and just want to get over with it.

My whole life I was homeschooled and I was totally fine with it, because to be social is not my thing at all. I get nervous and anxious and just want to disapear. That's why I don't have any friends and am alone most of the time. My father things it is not good for me and worries about me, because 'I don't do normal teenager stuff' like going out or have friends. I think he is overreating, I like to be alone and read my books, I feel safe. But here I am.

I knock at the secretarys office before I enter. The woman at the desk looks up at me. She must be about 50 years and she seems very friendly with the smile on her face.

"Hello dear, how can I help you?" she asks me.

"H-Hello, it's m-my first day he-ere and I-I was told t- to come here." I answer her with a shaking voice. Why do I have to stutter always. I'm so embarrassing.

"I see... Are you Arabella Quinn Roberts?"

I nod.

"Here is your timetabele and a note with your locker number and code." she says while handing me two pieces of paper.

"T-Thank you." I say and turn around to find my locker.

A few minutes later, I stand infront of my locker and open it. I put my stuff in it and close it again. I look at my timetable and see that I have math as my first period and that I'm already late.

Oh no, everybody will already sit there and watch me. And what if the teacher gets mad? But it's my first day, I can't know where my classes are, right?

I reach for the doorknob to open the door to my math class, suddenly a guy bumps into me.

Before I could fall to the ground, the guy grabs me and pulls me into his chest.

He is a tall guy mabe 5.8 or 5.9 feet. I look like child with my length of  5.3 feet. He has dirty blond hair and blue eyes. After a couple of seconds, he takes a step back and looks at me from head to toe.

(A/N: Hope it makes sense with the length, I'm European and I used Google for the length unit)

What if he gets mad at?

"I-I am sorry..." I start to apologize but he interrupts me.

"You have nothing to apologize about, I was the one who bumped into you and nearly tackled you to the floor. So my apologies, Αγαπημένος." (Sweetheart)

I only nod. What did he say?

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before. "

"It i-is my fi-irst day." I answer him.

So embarrassing.

He doesnt say something else, only looks at me.

"I h-have to go to m-my class. I-I'm already l-late." I continue.

" Im also in this class and no worries I'll tell the teacher that you are new he'll understand and I get an excuse for being late too, Αγαπημένος. (Sweetheart)

He said it again. I hope he doesn't make fun of me.

We walk through the door and everybody looks at us. Some girls give me weird looks but I can't tell why.

Do I look ugly in that Uniform i am I too fat?

"Mr. Floid, I'm sorry were late I helped her to hind her class because its her first day here." he says while pointing in my direction.

The teacher looks at me and nods.
"Thats alright. You can take gour seat Mr. Onyx. And I asume that you are Ms.Roberts?"

I only nod. I hear a few gasos and students start to chat. I guess its because my fathers company us quite famous and I never showed in public so no one knows what I look like

"You can also take your seat Ms. Roberts."

I turn around to see all students and the nerveous feeling inside me grows. I look for a seat when I see the boy from earlier waving at me to sit next to him.
I walk to the last row and take a seat beside him.

I look at him and mutter a thanks, but I notice his hair is diffrent and hadn't he have a little silver earing in his left ear?
And he does have eyeliner. It looks really good on him.

Besides him I can see three other boys and one looks exactly like him.

"Hello, πολυαγαπημένος. I'm Helios." he says. (Darling)

It sounds like the same language that the other boy spoke.

"I-I'm A-Arabella." I say.

" A pretty name for a pretty girl." he mutters to himself. But I heard it and blush.

He sees my reaction, chuckles and turns his head to the teacher. So do I.

"......and that was all for today. See you tomorrow." Mr. Floid says.

I grab my stuff and walk out of the classroom and go to my next class, history. One of my least favorite subjects. It's just so much dates and names and I'm not good at it.

I reach the room for my history class and notice that I am the first person here. I sit in the back and start to sketch on a paper. I am not good at drawing but I just like to sketch little hearts and flowers.

There are only 2 minutes left until the class starts and a boy sits down beside me. I look up at him and see that it is one of the boys Helion sat with. He has hazelnut brown eyes, black hair and cute glasses.

I look back down at my paper and continue to sketch.

The teacher enters the room.

" Hello everyone. I hope you had nice summer vacation. For those who don't know me, I am Mrs. Peters. " our teacher says.

Then she begins to explain about the ancient Greece.

Sooo boring.


Now it is lunchtime and I will not go to the cafeteria, because I don't need everybody staring at me and I don't want to sit alone like a loser. So I decide to ho to the libary.

At the libary I only see a boy sitting and reading a book. He looks up at me and gives me a small smile. He seems nice. I take my book out of my bag and sit down across from him.

I start reading and after a while the boy clears his throat and I turn my eyes towards him. 

" Hi, I'm Nicolas, but everybody calls me Nico. You must be new here. So I thought, I introduce myself. But maybe it was a dumb idea. I just wanted to be nice... ugh.. I am not good at this stuff. Sorry." he rambles.

" It's alright. And yeah, I'm new here. And my name is Arabella, but you can call me Bella. " I say to him. I don't now why, but it feels safe to talk to him. Maybe it is because he seems to be shy like me.

We start talking and he really is a nice guy. He tells me that he likes to read as well and that he has a crush on this boy called Noah. He gets all dreamy and he blushes when he talks or thinks about him. How cute. We have also some classes together, English, science and art.

The rest of the day goes by and I step into the car waiting infront of school for me.

That wasn't so bad, it could have gone worse.


A/N: I hope you liked the first chapter. :)

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