28. My wife

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HAPPY GOVARDHAN my dear readers.


Aashrit tried to turn in his sleep but found the pillow uneven and a coldness was spreading in his body from the cold floor. He opened his eyes and felt a little sting in his eyes due to last night's crying. He put his hand on his forehead and opened his eyes with some difficulty. As he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was that he was sleeping on someone's lap. He looked up and found his wife sleeping with discomfort clear on her face. And the last night memories hit him. He wiped a tear threatening to escape.

He remembered how he was fighting his inner turmoil for all these days. He wanted to cry for his dadu but all the words around him were only like "King never cries" "You are a man" and "You are handling it well." "You are strong" and his emotions again ran back deep somewhere in his heart.

Every night, he would go to Abhishek's room to help his brother let his emotions out unlike him who has to keep everything to himself. But yesterday, when Meera asked him to let his guard down, he couldn't control his emotions. He tried for so long to keep his emotions but failed at last.

"Thank you my queen." He whispered looking at her.

And after some time he noticed their position "Shit!! Did I sleep all night on her lap? Her leg must be numb." He thought and got up.

He put the blanket on the bed and later held Meera from the floor and put her on the bed.

He looked at her and caressed her head thinking about the moment from the past night. He kissed her forehead and let his lips stay there for some moments. Later, he left for the gym after looking at her for some time.

Meera woke up from her sleep after around 15 minutes. She looked beside her and found no one. She got worried about Aashrit thinking what if he hurt himself because of his inner pain? She removed the blankets and suddenly stood up only to fall back on the bed "Ouch!!" She whimpered.

She touched her legs feeling them hard under her touch and remembered about yesterday night. She slowly stood up from bed and stretched them making her at least move although the pain was still intact. She moved outside the room and went towards the in-house gym. As she reached near, she heard three voices which were none other than of the Yaduvanshi brothers. She got relaxed and went back to her room getting ready for the day.

Meera was in the closet doing her hair when the door of the bathroom opened and she looked at her husband entering the closet in nothing but a towel. Water droplets from his hair were falling on his shoulders which would usually make Meera disgusted if it was some other man but with her husband, she found it tempting and hot. Her eyes went a little low and she noticed abs of him. Although his body looks a little weak due to no intake of food past days still it's sexy. Her eyes moved a little low and stopped at the V line disappearing in the towel.

She found him turning and leaving when she unconsciously said "Don't go" and he stopped and looked back at her.

She kept looking back at him not saying a word when he spoke "For yesterday, I am sorry"

And then she understood that he was feeling embarrassed because of yesterday and she felt relieved to find that he didn't find her checking him out. She walked towards him and stood at a distance enough to not get fazed by the fragrance coming from him.

"We are supposed to spend our life together Aashrit jii so I think it's better if we don't feel embarrassed to express our feelings. I just want to tell you that I didn't judge you and I never will for expressing your emotions." She said and left leaving him shocked. He came out of his shock and held her hand before she could leave the closet. She turned back looking at him with furrowed brows when he spoke "Thank you. And you are not a namesake wife, YOU ARE MY WIFE."

Meera smiled at him when he moved closer to her and Meera's smile fattened and her heartbeat raised "Thank you for helping me in fighting my inner battle. Thank you for making me realize that crying doesn't make me weak." His hand caressed her cheek and Meera's cheeks turned red.

Aashrit noticed her red cheeks and smiled thinking about his effect on her.

" Meera" He called her

"Hmm," She could just utter.

"Thank you for keeping with me. I know I am a bit handful but thank you for understanding me."

Meera smiled at him and especially his words which were expressing his inner turmoil.

" Thanks to you for marrying me and helping me in achieving my dreams," Meera said.

Silence prevailed between these two

" Are you going to college?" He asked and Meera nodded.

Aashrit nodded and again silence engulfed them both.

Suddenly, she remembered something and said "What you like for breakfast?"

"Why?" He questioned confused about her sudden out-of-context question.

"Nothing just want to know my husband's likes and dislikes if you don't mind," Meera said with unsure eyes.

"Aaloo k paranthe" he replied not wanting to make her feel embarrassed for starting a conversation.

She left after telling him to come soon for breakfast. Aashrit looked at her back as she left the room and thanked Mahadev for blessing him with her.

Aashrit looked at the mirror and said, " What are you doing to me, Mrs Yaduvanshi?"

The whole family was at the table for breakfast waiting for Aashrit to join. They weren't sure if he would be joining but hope was there.

Soon, Aashrit entered the room with his normal stoic face and sat on the head chair. Shivansh looked at his brother and noticed something unusual. He couldn't stop himself and questioned "What happened bhai? Why your eyes are slightly red?" He said with concern clear on his face.

Aashrit eyes went wide on hearing his question, his grip tightened on his thigh. He was not ready to show his vulnerable side to his family. He looked around the table and noticed his whole family's attention was on him. He tried to think of some excuses but nothing seemed to come to his mind and when he was about to lose, he heard his wife speak.

"It's because your bhai is quite careless. Although he shows that he is perfect but couldn't even handle soap." Meera said entering the dining room with a casserole in her hand.

"I didn't understand bhabhi " Shivansh questioned again worried for his elder brother and Meera noticed how every member was eager to know the reason.

"While bathing, some soap entered his eyes. That's why I am saying he is quite careless" She said giggling a bit and making others giggle too.

"Bhai" Revati said covering her giggles with her hand.

"Enough. It was just an accident. And focus on food" He said slamming the table and making everyone silent but couldn't stop their giggle or smiles.

Aashrit looked at Meera who sat beside him looking at him with a sorry face but Aashrit just smiled and whispered "Thank you" making her smile back at him.

Although everyone was busy this interaction didn't go unnoticed by Rashmi and Rajveer. Rajveer leaned to Rashmi and whispered, "I am happy our son got someone in front of whom he could express himself openly." And Rashmi nodded with a smile.

Meera served Aaloo k paranthe to Aashrit which he was shocked but happy for. He smiled in return and again whispered a Thank you.




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