Chapter: 12

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The Supernatural World - A Place that is filled with Wonder and Fantasy, with it being field with everything that Humanity itself thought to be Fantasy/Myth itself, such things like Magic, or Knigths that held both Skill and Power to take on Armies existed

It was a Place that no ordinary Human could truly fully grasp and known it's innerworkings, and it is such a place that any ordinary human would want to Enter such a Wonderlust World 

But of course, such a World isn't filled with Sunshine and Rainbows, it is filled with Conflict, War and Debauchery, it is place that mass murdering of a Village that held a population size of a few thousand is but common place

It is a World, in where the Weak doesn't have any right to speak or order anything, is but forced to accept the Will of the Strong, be it there own Lust and Enjoyment, or because of there own self-interest 

It was the World of the Strong, in where the Strong reign Supreme and there Words are treated as like that of a Divine Gospel that is read out throughout Human History 

A Place filled with Endless Conflict of anykind, to the point that if there was a single day that there is only a few hundreds died because of a Conflict or Battle, would be celebrated because of it's low death rate, or death rate that is casually in the hundreds of thousands dead, treated as something of common place 

It was simply put

A World that any ordinary Human couldn't an wouldn't want to lived in 

A World that treats and produced a annual deaths in the millions as nothing but as casual news like that of the weather, it was World of the Strongest and the Weak dies, without any voice whatsoever 

A World that Ciel Tempest - The Son of Gabriel Tempest, wants to changed for the better and Introduced the Human World to the Supernatural World, so that the two worlds could be able to coexisted with harmony

it was a foolhardy wished, but a wished nonetheless, a wished that came from a being that didn't held any such things like that, it was the First Desire of the Being known as Ciel Tempest, and it was something that, Gabriel Tempest, couldn't helped but support with all of her heart

Since after all, unlike anyone else, he didn't really held any sort of Desire for anything, he lived his life throught the flow of things and let others do the things for him, he wouldn't try to moved forward and go to a different direction without others Interference 

It was something that she was Initially worried about, but when she heard of his wished, and it being just his own thoughts and desires, Gabriel didn't held the heart to try to disuade him and go to a different path, but Instead, decided to support him as much as she can, by trying to create connections to Ciel, like for example making Alexander go to Ciel, wanting to make a connection to the two of them 

And even, trying to make other Angels to follow Ciel as well, with many of them, also very much wanting to support her own Son as well, much to her own happiness, but she did worried that most of them are Women though, but considering that they have favorable Impressed of Ciel, she didn't bothered to say or do anything against them 

But what she was bothered with was with the Church, she herself already knew the amount of Jealousy, Hatred and Anger that they have for Ciel, it's because of that, she was Incredibly happy that Alexander was able to create a small faction of Ciel supporters by using his own Popularity and Influence, allowing him to acquire some of the newer Exorcist and Nuns, and even some of the Older ones as well 

" Haaa~ " Gabriel couldn't helped but sigh, causing her Subordinates to react to it and looked at her in concern in there eyes 

" Lady Gabriel? Is there something wrong? " Gabriel hearing the concern voice directed towards her, she merely waved there concerns off her 

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