Chapter 14: These Violent Delights

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This chapter is brought to you by I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy. 


Nine parried a strike and slashed at an opening. He lunged when he saw his opponent lose their footing. He took a slice to his arm and kicked him down. The man fell with a grunt and Nine kneeled over him with both his daggers pressed against his throat. 

There was a moment of silence in the dueling field before his opponent slowly raised his hand. 

"I yield!" 

Raven called his win. 

Nine stood up. 

He sheathed his blades and walked over to Raven. 

His opponent followed after him.

"Lord Arcadia." 

Nine paused. He turned and saw that his opponent had taken out a handkerchief from his pocket and was offering it to him. 

"For your hand." 

Nine accepted the handkerchief with a nod.

"Thank you." 

The man rubbed the back of his head bashfully. 

Nine wiped the cut his opponent made. It was shallow and long, starting from his forearm and running halfway down to his wrist. 

"Peregrine," Raven said with a frown, "You need solid stances. If your opponent was taller, you would have been killed."

The corners of Nine's lips curled downward. 

"And you, Lord Arcadia," the man turned to him, "Do not risk a wound if there are safer measures. I know you value efficiency, but in the thirty spars you've been challenged to, only ten of them did you come out uninjured."

Nine blinked. 

Raven sighed in response.

"Well, I expected you would win--"


"--so here."

A long, dark crimson and hooded coat was shoved into his arms. 

Nine stared at it for a moment. 

Raven coughed. "Someone has hired a hit on a man from Ohmlet. You leave in the morning."

The words "be careful" were left unsaid.


Lark was a mercenary with many years under his belt. He had started off as a lowly sell-sword before giving his life and service to House Calypto. 

As a Calypto mercenary, he has been the personal guard of Lord and Lady Calypto and fought in many battles throughout the years by his lord's side, protecting not only his life but also his honor. 

If there was a brawl on the streets with the Monttevis, Lark was often one of the first to join.  

He would do anything for the man who had brought him back his pride and love for the sword. 

"I'm sorry... what?" 

Perhaps Lark had thought himself above babysitting duty. He had been one of the most promising mercenaries of House Calypto, and so he was often guarding his lord. Lord Calypto had never once asked him to leave his side.

"You're sending me to do what?" 

Standing in front of him, Lord Calypto was pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. 

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