The Hunter, or the Hunted?

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Artemus POV (Rin his wolf)

'That is how it went right Rin?' Rin thought for a second and then just nodded his head. He then took control of our body to begin his daily hunt. Like mom said eight years ago he really does know best. Oftentimes I question why dad is a werewolf hunter...

In all my years in the forest I have actually run into a lot of hunters. I haven't seen any other werewolves actually I know when I cross onto their borders and know I need to leave the second I step onto their territory. So that's what I do, I tuck my tail between my legs and run.     

We've never run into dad. Which I'm happy about, but if we ever do run into him I will try talking to him. Ask him if we can come home now.

But I can only dream right? Yeah that would be lovely, or maybe even running into mom! She did protect us... She would never hurt her son would she...?

Then Rin snaps me out of my trance and says 'Stop that. I can't focus and you know I can't.' I just rolled my eyes at his comment but decided to look through his eyes to see what he was chasing. He was chasing a deer, a young male whose horns were still growing in. We were running really fast like really, really fast. Jumping over obstacles following the dear and catching up to it.

Rin is about to snap his jaws at its right hind leg, then it just falls to the ground with an arrow sticking through its neck. 'RIN, RUN!' But he's one step ahead and is already running for our life. Straight through the forest faster than our body is used to. An arrow sticks to a tree that we run beside, Rin panics more and just continues running.

Before we even realize it we fall to the ground, an arrow stuck in our left side. It must be laced with something because we get so dizzy, and Rin just shifts our body back to our human form. That's when we hear a car roll up beside us. My vision is blurry but I hear somebody's heart skip a beat. The hunters get closer and I growl at them.

Then the face I was thinking about before showed up in my vision. Dad... Dad was out hunting like me. But I was both the hunter and the hunted. He was just a hunter, he was nobody's prey.

I feel a hand on my face wipe away a tear I didn't know I was shedding. "Hey pumpkin, so this is where you went eight years ago?" I smile at that. It's really dad, he's here... But mum said don't trust humans, she also said dad kills werewolves. Does that mean dad will kill me?

I don't want to die, I haven't found home yet. No, no, no this is too early.

"Boss, we have a job to do. I don't care if it's your son you adopted when you found out Camilla couldn't get pregnant. Something is wrong here werewolves don't put their pups up for adoption. Not even rouges do that. There is something special about him. Or a human found him when they went on a walk and took him to that adoption center."

What are they talking about... Is it about me? Well I'm about to black out anyway... But I need to hear what they're talking about...

"We should take him back with us in that case. And boss, isn't he tiny for being basically a fully grown werewolf?" 

"You're right, maybe he's a male omega... But one hasn't been seen for over 150 years... If that's the case we can't let the pack here find out." 

"What are you talking about boss?" 

"We are standing on the world's biggest packs lands, their alpha hasn't found his mate yet. He is also known for taking in omegas that have it bad in their packs, or if an omega is a rouge.We can't le..............."


Author's note:

Hello! I was bored and made the next chapter. Hope you like it! 

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