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It was indeed.

I had spend the whole night at Sam's place as he introduced me to everything. He told me what I had to do from now on and how things would be. The saddest part was, that I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone anymore. He said it would be too dangerous before he explained what happened to Emily. I get it but still, it hurts. They're my best friends and I haven't seen them since lunch when I stormed off. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere near them. Sam's order. Which I obviously can't get around.

I haven't been to school since that day too. I've missed two weeks now. I wasn't getting behind as Kim brought over her notes all the time. My dad gladly accepted it but said I had mono and that they couldn't come inside. Same for Jake. I hadn't really seen him since two weeks, which was starting to make me sad. Today's friday and my patrol was about to start in a few minutes. I put on a shirt and some shorts before I make my way out of the house. Just as I walk up to the forest, I hear two cars pull up behind me.
"Aria!" I hear Kim shout and feel my body freeze.
"Are you okay? It's freezing" Olivia says, and I turn around to see them walk up to me. I knew that I was still a danger to them. I couldn't loose it infront of them.
"Aria" I hear the boys shout as they jogg over too. Quickly I begin to walk over to he edge of the forest.
"Aria," Jacob says before he grabs my wrist and pulls me around. I look into his eyes, seeing the sadness and the anger that lingered inside them. "What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing. Leave me alone" I say before I pull my hand away harshly and look towards the forest. Sam's stading there.
"Come on" I hear him say, not loud enough for the others to hear.
"I have to leave" I say and start walking towards Sam again. Jacob tries to grab my wrist again but I push him back, harsher than I intended which led to him falling to the ground. Embry and Quil help him up as I look at him sadly, their eyes confused and angry.
"I'm so sorry but I can't talk to you right now. I have to leave" I say and turn.

I take a deep breath as I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.
"Please" Paul breathes out but I shake him off. 
"No" I say before I jogg over to Sam and we disappear in the woods.

"It's going to get easier" he says, making me whine.
"I hope it does. It's not easy to be away from Jacob and my friends. Sam, he's starting to ask my dad questions. I can't just not talk to him. He's my brother"
He sighs. "I know. We'll have to find an explanation" he says before he walks off and I start my patrol.

I spend my time, running through the woods and practicing my senses. My eyesight was much better now, same for my hearing and smell. I could smell things much better now, which was something I enjoyed the most.All the different aromas around the forest, calm me. Well, except for the awful smell of the Cullens. Sam had made sure to tell me where the treaty line is and what the rules are. They smelled awful. It smelled excactly like rotten meat but way too sweet. At first it made me dizzy, making me almost throw up but it got better over the last week. 
My speed was my favorite thing about this whole wolf-being. I was way faster than Sam, which he was impressed by. My dad had told me that some wolves were able to be better at something than others but of course I never believed him till two weeks ago.
 My patrols aren't as long as his as of now, which is why I'm home by seven. 

"But dad, we have to do something" I hear Jacob say. I listen in, to hear a few hearts inside the house.
"Jake, he's just trying to help her. Your sister's not having it easy at the moment. Give her some time" my dad says. 
I take a deep breath before I crack the door open, to find eight pairs of eyes looking at me. 
"Speaking of the devil" my brother scoffs. I keep my head low as I make my way over to my room but get stopped by Embry, who stands infront of me.
"Move" I say but he stands his ground.
"Aria, please talk to us" Olivia says but I shake my head.
"I can't" I say, which was obviously the truth. I wasn't able to talk to them even if I wanted to. Sam had explicitly said not to talk to them before we had a good explanation.
"Please, you can always talk to us, Aria" my brother says, and I look at him. He had dark circles under his eyes and a sad expression on his face. It pained me to see him like this, and made me angry at the same time. I clench my fists as my dad shoots me a look. I nod at him before I look back at Jacob.
"I know but I can't right now" I say in a soft tone.
"Is it Sam? What has he done to you? We can't recognize you anymore, Aria. You've changed" he says.
"No, it's not Sam. It's about me. I can't tell you because I don't want you to know. Sam's just trying to help me" I say and he gets up. He walks infront of me and looks down on me. He's only a bit taller than me but I've grown a bit  since I've shifted. My body had gone through several changes. I've lost at least ten pounds and had a slightly visible six-pack now. Even my boobs had grown. I was almost the same height as him now. 
"Everyone's been saying that but it doesn't look like it" he says.
"Look, can we just drop this. I'm tired and completely done. I just want to get to sleep. I'll tell you eventually, when it's time. But that isn't today and definitely not tomorrow. I won't put this on you. On any of you. You deserve better than this"
"And when will you be able to tell us?" Jared asks, making me look at him. I see Paul sitting next to him with a pained expression on his face but I refuse to meet his eyes. This would just make it harder for the both of us.
"I hope I'll never be" I say before I shove Embry out of the way and disappear in my room.

Until Death- Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now