Chapter 2: Curious Minds

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Days passed at Niyomsil High, and Fourth's interest in Gemini grew. He often wondered what was behind Gemini's pretty looks. In class, where math and books usually filled Fourth's thoughts, he found himself occasionally thinking about Gemini's big, shiny eyes and mysterious smile.

One day, Fourth and Gemini got paired up for a group project. It was a chance for Fourth to learn more. As they worked, Gemini started talking about his love for art. "Art is like a secret language," he said, eyes sparkling. "Each painting tells a story, and every color carries a feeling."

Fourth listened, realizing Gemini saw the world in a different way. The conversation moved from school stuff to dreams and the beauty Gemini found in everyday things.

In the hallways, Fourth noticed a change. People weren't just talking about how good Gemini looked; they started appreciating his talent and the friendly way he talked to everyone. It was like people were beginning to see more than just the surface, something Fourth was figuring out too.

During lunch, Gemini joined Fourth at their usual table. The cafeteria was loud, but their talk made a quiet space just for them. In these moments, Fourth saw more than just Gemini's pretty looks – he saw someone with interesting thoughts and ideas.

Their friendship grew, and Fourth looked forward to seeing Gemini every day. It wasn't just about how pretty Gemini was anymore; it was about the connection they were building.

But as their friendship got stronger, more people noticed Gemini. Whispers turned into bold confessions, and it felt like everyone had a crush on him. People were confessing left and right, turning Niyomsil High into a place where love notes and secret admirers became part of the daily routine.

While Fourth enjoyed the unique connection he had with Gemini, he also saw the challenges. Gemini handled the attention well, always staying kind even with so much admiration.

In the hallways, students shared stories about confessing to Gemini, creating a sort of unspoken contest for his attention. It was like Gemini's charm had made the whole school want a chance to be noticed by the pretty boy with the captivating eyes.

As Fourth heard these stories, he realized that amidst all the confessions and fluttering hearts, the story of Gemini and Fourth was taking unexpected turns. The hallways of Niyomsil High weren't just witnessing confessions left and right; they were also becoming the backdrop for a connection that went beyond looks, promising a story filled with surprises and heartfelt moments.

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