ch 21. disappearance

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"really!? Cassandra will be willing to talk to me tomorrow!" Anna is full of excitement as I broke the news to her about Cassandra's decision "I'm so glad that we will finally reconcile after what happened.."

"To think that you'll actually get to make her talk, impressive man" Tom said with a smile complementing me, tho I didn't really do much, I only made sure she has someone to talk and not feel alone

"I didn't do anything, it's her own decision"

"Still.. your the only one she talks to" Anna smile "so thank you"

I would sigh, getting thanked by doing things like this..let's just say that in not used to it "it's nothing, I'll do anything if it mean we can go back from being group of friends"

.. this conversation continues, I visited Cassandra on her dorm room to check on her again.. I brought sandwiches, I'll leave the drinks for her

Entering the dorm building I was greeted by the old lady again.. she thank me for always visiting Cassandra, since she's a good kid.. it seems that this old lady is aware that Cassandra is a nice person that only had to act strong because of her position

Once I'm on the right floor, I enter knock on her door

"I'm back again"

She opened it shortly, she looks better than before now..but

"Did you...did you cut your hair?"

"Yes..I did"

"Uhh..looks great on you"

She had cut her hair, it's now above her shoulders, it does look good on her.. but this is so cliche.. a hair cut after a heart break?

"So..did you tell the others?" She ask

"Of course,Anna is very excited to finally able to talk to you after what happened"

"Me too... I want our friendship to continue.. she is a nice girl.. I can see why the prince fall for her.."

"That nay be true, but what he did is still not right.. we talk about this before.. he can't just outright break the engagement in front of many people like that.. he has peas for brain"

Cassandra giggles with the statement that I said "you should not talk like that.. even if you said have sense... He is still royalty"

"Royalty or not,if he like another woman he should've told you before hand"

"Right.. come in, the tea will be cold "

As I enter her room, we just drink tea and chat..I even gave her notes from her classes...well,  portions of it that I ask from the professor. She check the topics on the text books

After that I just went back to my dorm  and have a rest..hoping for a better day for the next..


I was preparing to go to class, I just put on my uniform when suddenly someone knocks on my door loudly.. it must be an emergency

As I open the door, Thomas is panting and sweating. He must have run here as fast as he can "you need to come now!"

"Calm down, what happen"

"It's Anna...they said she leaves because Cassandra told her so, there is a letter in Anna's room telling everyone that she's leaving"

"What? That's cant be true, they are suppose to talk today..and I'm in Cassandra's dorm almost all night before the end of curfew"

"I know, it doesn't  make sense! So come on, we need to do something about this"

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