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                                    Nia lunae
Washington DC

"Girl stop stressing you look good I wish I could go" stage sighed

"Girl you can go the hell with my brother funky ass" she said

"So you saying sneak" stage asked

"Girl you are grown you can do what you want if he got a problem tell 'em come thru me" she said talking big stuff

"The bad bitch has arrived" Martin said doing a walk

"A bad bitchhh" nia stuck her tongue out

"We just gotta wait on stage to get dressed then we can leave" nia said making him nod

"Put yo hoe clothes on don't leave us hanging" Martin yelled as she went in the bathroom to change
"Girll this Christmas party look lit" Martin said

"This kinda remind me of Friday" nia mumbled making stage laugh

"There go ahmad let's go say hi" she said grabbing both of their hands she had to watch stage extra carefully because she wasn't supposed to be outside with them

"Hey Ahmad" she smiled

"Hey pretty girl" he said giving her a side hug

"This is stage and Martin but you already kinda met Martin" she said introducing them

"I'm just here for the liquor" Martin said extending his hand

"It's right over there in the kitchen" he said making Martin quickly walk away

"Imma go with him to make sure he don't drive too much" stage said then also walked away

"You know X coming and amari" he asked and she sighed not ready for how this might come about

"Um okay" she mumbled

"Don't be scared they cool now they don't act how they did in highschool with that childish shit" he said making her nod

"Amari got a lil daughter" he said and she smiled because when they were younger he always talked about having a little girl to treat like a princess but he would say he didn't want a baby momma

"That's nice" she said

"You can just kick it with me" he said and she nodded
"Me and scoob toe up already" Martin cheesed into the camera

"Nobody drunk but you" stage laughed at his craziness

"It's getting late I think we should go" nia said since Martin was drunk off his ass and neither amari nor Xavier showed up

"Awe damn them niggas- oh shit there they go" Ahmad said making her look up and see the two grown up boys she remember as little boys weren't so little anymore

"Come over here!" Ahmad yelled and nia sighed

"Wassup" Xavier said with a deep voice almost making her eyes pop out

"Ain't no way" she mumbled

"X amari y'all remember her" Ahmad asked pointing at nia making her nervous

"Nah who is that" x asked as amari just looked at her

"Nia" amari asked making her nod

"Oh shittt" they both said looking at eachother

"Gimme a hug scrub ass" amari said pulling her into a hug

"You still look dirty" xavier said making her smack her lips

"And you still ugly" she said lying through her teeth

"I'm the finest young nigga outta dc" he said gripping his chin hairs

"You done grew up on us do a spin" he said and she did

"Gyat" amari mumbled

"Y'all so grown now" she pouted

"Well well introduce me" Martin said

"X amari this my friend Martin and my new friend stage my brother baby momma" she said and they nodded

"Wassup" they both said

"We finna get out of here but hopefully I see you guys around" she smiled about to walk off holding martins arm

"Girl if you don't give me yo number or some shit" amari smacked his lips mugging her

"Oh shit sorry" she laughed pulling out her phone
"So last night I seen x and amari again" nia told her mom

"Oh wow really you remember you guys were really good friends and his older brother bought you school clothes" she said and nia nodded

"Yes I seen him too he kinda looks the same" she said

"The offered to take me out to eat but I'm not sure I don't wanna start a bond back up that I can't maintain and I don't even live in dc anymore" nia said ranting

"Baby don't overthink it" her mother rubbed her shoulder

"You guys won't be as tight as you guys were in middle school but y'all can still talk now where's that Martin I need his help at the shelter today while you're gone on your little dinner friend date" her mother said making her laugh

"He's upstairs with a hangover I'm sure he would love to go" she chuckled

"I bet he would y'all woke me and your father up with all that loud singing and did you hear your brother and stage arguing last night" she whispered the last part

"Yes I heard ma they were loud and he was standing at the door waiting for her maybe you should have a talk with him about being too overprotective" she said

"I would tell your dad but he thinks he run some shit he don't run nothing but his damn mouth" she shook her head

"I'll talk to him about it later he's her boyfriend not her dad" their mother said agreeing

"Okay mommy imma tell Martin about the shelter and imma find me something to wear" she said and her mother nodded

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