Chapter 20

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Soon they finished their talk and Doctor joined Rosalynn and Giovanni. He explained that the man was cured by his father during the plague epidemic in Edinburgh and he simply mistaken Doctor for his deceased father. 

"Was your father well-known here?" Asked Rosalynn.

"He was." Replied Doctor as they were passing the shops. "Despite him being a terrible father, he was an excellent doctor. In opposite to his predecessor, Mr. Paulitious, he lived a long life and cured numerous plague victims. "

"Did he get his payment at the end of his life?" Asked Giovanni what visibly irritated Doctor. It was easy to tell by his faster pace. "I've heard some rumours that he did and buried it in the ground so none could find it. Or there is another one that-"

"Can you, please, shut up." Rosalynn spoke up and both men looked at her surprised. "Can't you see that Doctor got nervous?" There was an annoyance and concern in her voice. Giovanni made a confused look and the talk was over. 

They reached the pharmacy within few minutes and bought needed medicaments. Of course while their shopping, few men made rude remarks about Doctor's strange appearance and the pharmacist must hushed them a lot reminding them if it wasn't for Doctor's father, their relatives would have been long dead.  

When they were done, Doctor and Rosalynn waved a goodbye at Giovanni and came back to their inn. To her surprise someone was waiting there for them. When they entered the inn, the very first thing they saw was a huge viking-like man talking to the owner of the inn. 

"There they are!" Said the owner in Scottish and Arran looked at them gladsome. 

"Doctor! And Rosalynn! I'm so happy to see you!" He smiled widely and wanted to give them a hug but both Rosalynn and Doctor made few steps back and each for different reason. 

"We are happy to see you as well, Arran." Replied Doctor. Rosalynn didn't want to show that she still felt pretty insecure about Arran's strength and intentions. Deep inside she knew he was a good man, however, the pain she experienced and was still experiencing didn't let her forget how strong and unpredictable Arran was. 

"I wanted to ask whether you are going to participate in any competitions at Baltane? You can still join." Arran looked at them with enthusiasm. 

"I do not think that either me or Rosalynn would be interested in any kind of Baltane's competitions, however, thank you for asking us." Doctor wanted to pass Arran but he didn't let him to do that. 

"Oh come on, why not? It would be fun!" He didn't seem to be convinced with Doctor's argument.

"It is our first time at Baltane which is why I prefer to watch everything as a spectator. Besides somebody must watch over Rosalynn." Arran was looking at him like a child waits for his parents to permit him do something he really wants to. 

"You know..." Started Rosalynn. "I still don't speak Scottish so it is a quite good idea to have somebody who speaks perfectly in both English and Scottish. Also I easily get lost in the crowds, so we are so sorry Arran." Now his facial expression changed. It looked disappointed but understanding the reason. 

"I see . I hope then that you will see me competing with others." A smile came back at his face and Rosalynn felt relieved. After few other words Arran left the inn and the two were at their room unpacking the medicaments. 

In the room, apart from the silence, only their calm breathing could be heard. Rosalynn sat on the chair and rubbed her ribs. They were still aching but not as much as yesterday. 

"Was it him?" Doctor asked suddenly and Rosalynn looked at him confused.

"What do you mean, Doctor?"

"By that I mean your strange ache in the rib cage area. You know that two of your ribs are broken?" He crossed his arms as usually when he was a little worried and annoyed with her actions. 

"You knew that from the very start, didn't you?" She felt guilty of not telling him the reason of her pain.

"Of course, I am a doctor after all. Would you mind telling me what exactly happened?" After few second of silence Rosalynn told him about the whole situation and Doctor nodded. "So this is why you stepped back from his greeting. Now it is more understandable."

"You stepped back as well." Rosalynn noticed and if it wasn't for the mask, she could have seen the smile on his face.

"But my reason was far more obvious and less painful than yours." He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her as she was sitting near window. 

"Sterility..." She sighed and he nodded. Suddenly she remembered something. "Oh right! Doctor, am I the only person who touched you?" Hearing that question Doctor froze. Sitting on the bed he looked like a mannequin on the shop exhibition. 

"Where does that come from so suddenly?" He asked after a long silence but then cleared his throat. "Of course you are not, my dear. I was touched by many people, such as the sick or the family members of the sick-" He would continue but she interrupted him.

"But you always step back. This one time today you didn't step back. Why?" She wanted to look him in the eyes but because of the mask it was impossible.

"Well..." Doctor unfastened the top button of his black shirt. He didn't know why he suddenly felt so hot at that moment. "To be fair, I have no idea why. But please keep in mind Rosalynn that you should not break that rule again." He stood up and came closer to her. "Someday it may save your life.-"

"But you were touching my skin while applying an ointment on my ribs! Isn't it a violation of your so precious rule?" She got annoyed and Doctor knew that.

"It could have been but as you may see I am wearing gloves." He lifted his hands up." The sterility is maintained." He put down his hands and started approaching the door.

"Where are you going? And why are you leaving?" She also stood up.

"As I see you are not in a suitable condition to continue our talk so I will visit my parents grave. So now, please excuse me." And he left. 

Rosalynn was standing there surprised. She didn't know why she acted like that or rather knew too well that she didn't want to admit that. She wanted to be the one who is so close to Doctor but each time they talked alone, she had an impression that they were actually growing apart from each other. 

We Are The Cure : The Plague Doctor's Tale.Where stories live. Discover now