Chapter Sixteen

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I survived the weekend. Dylan took out the handcuffs one more time, but when I refused to have sex with him the rest of the night, he got the point.

On Sunday morning, he made us waffles. Hands down, the best part of the whole weekend was the food. It was nice having access to a kitchen and a grill again. Dylan tried to convince me to stay an extra night, but I wouldn't budge. I was definitely ready to get back to campus. After a quiet drive home, he dropped me off in front of my dorm. I lugged my suitcase up the stairs, ready to be in my own bed.

"How was the romantic weekend?" Tally spun around in her desk chair when I walked in.

"Ryan's so dead."

"Hey, that's my boyfriend you're talking about."

"Boyfriend? Since when?"

"Last night." She smiled coyly. Wow, she'd moved on from Gregg quickly. I guess a lot can change in forty-eight hours.

"Well, he's dead."

"What did he do to deserve that fate?"

"He told Dylan I was into BDSM."

She laughed so hard she almost fell out of her chair.

"I appreciate the concern."

"Sorry." She steadied herself on her chair. "That's too funny. What did he do, take out handcuffs?"

"Were you in on it?"

She laughed again. "Oh my god. That's so awesome. I wish I could have seen your face."

"It was horrible. He spent the rest of the weekend disappointed. He even asked me if I'd call him 'master.'"

"What? He asked you to call him 'master?'"

"Yes." I slunk down on my bed. "He is so incorrigible."

"So, you wouldn't try it at all?" She actually looked surprised.

"No! That is so not my thing."

"How do you know if you haven't tried?"

"Okay, we're not having this conversation."

"Sorry. I was just wondering. It might not be that bad."

"Feel free to try it on your boyfriend-make sure to whip him extra hard for me."

"How'd you know I'd want to dominate?"

"Too much info, Tally. Too much info." I grabbed my keys again and headed to Cara's room. I knocked, but no one answered.

I called her.

She answered right as I expected the voicemail to start. "Hey, you're back!"

"Yeah, just got here. Where are you?"

"We're at the Kappa house."

"Who's we?"

"You should have been at the mixer. It was awesome. I'm with Mallory and Claire." I heard muffled talking, but all I could make out was my name.

"Who are you talking to?"


"Oh cool." It felt funny to know that my friends were hanging out with Reed. I viewed him as part of a separate piece of my life.

"You have to come."

I debated it. Dylan would kill me, but I wasn't exactly thrilled with him at the moment. He deserved it after the handcuff incident, and I really wanted to see my friends. "All right, I'll come by." I went back to my room long enough to change into jeans and a black tank.

The Hazards of Skinny DippingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora