𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐧

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 11
3𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯

𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 — 𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒕𝒘𝒐 !



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AT HOME IN LOS ANGELES, Jasper finds himself stuck in the past as he gazes down at a picture of him and Colby, and with no one else around to see, he finds himself shamelessly staring at Colby's eyes, lips, hair, just everything that is... Colby. (And yet he finds no Colby Jack cheese in the picture.)

He thought of that day, that week, and then he thought back to the past. When his hair was still dark and he was taller than Colby, back when his eyesight was worse than now but he still saw perfection when he looked at Colby.

He remembered how it felt to love Colby in the dark, hidden behind closed doors or empty classrooms, and before, that was enough but now... now he could picture it so easily. Him and Colby, out in the daylight holding hands without fear. He could see it so clearly, how he would love him in every way in the shadows and the sun. It was right there, waiting and yet, he couldn't reach it.

His screen lit up with a message. He went to swipe it away without a thought, however, that was when he saw the name. His breath caught in his throat as he stared. Without thinking, he clicked on the message before the notification could disappear. There, he stared at the name of the contact once again.


He realized after an embarrassing amount of time that he'd been staring for several minutes. He shook himself out of it and furrowed his brows, what did Ethan want? He hadn't heard from him since the fight. Since he walked out that door and left, promising to never return. Jasper didn't think he would ever speak to him again, even if they saw each other around. Until now.

Ethan —
I'm sorry for how we left things. I think we should talk but I understand if you don't want to.

For a moment, the memory of that night was forgotten, the rage in Ethan's voice, the fear that it had instilled in Jasper because he had never seen his boyfriend like that. For a moment, Ethan was back to the perfect, charming gentleman he had been before. For a moment, Jasper missed him.

He threw his phone across the room, onto the other side of his couch in frustration. For a moment, he forgot. And then, he remembered. He remembered the fear he felt in the moment, and the rage after because he knew what love felt like, and it wasn't what happened that night.

Knock, knock!

He jumped in his spot on the couch and felt his heart skip a beat as he stood quickly. He found himself stuck standing there, staring at his front door unable to move, overwhelmed by the thought that it might be Ethan at the door and he wouldn't even know what to say.

Finally, he forced himself to move, pulling himself away from the spot and over to the door where he found himself unlocking it before he could think and then, like he had forgotten it was there until now, he looked through the peephole and breathed a sigh of relief when he found his friend and manager, Audrey, standing on the other side.

Without any more hesitation, he pulled the door open and moved aside so she could come in. He forced a smile on, hoping she didn't see past it, "Hey Dree." He greeted her as she stepped past him into the apartment. She plopped down onto his couch without hesitation and he followed suit after locking his front door.

"So, how was it?" Audrey smirked, looking over at him as he sat beside her.

"How was what?" He asked confused.

She let out a noise of disbelief and threw the pillow she was holding at his head, "The trip, dumbass." She said not unkindly. (Not kindly either, though)

"Right, sorry, my mind's..." He trailed off, shaking his head with a sigh, "I don't know."

She frowned, sitting up to look at him properly, "Hey," She called in a softer tone, "are you alright? Did something happen?" Her frown deepened, her eyes narrowing, "Whose ass do I need to kick? Cause I don't care if they're famous on YouTube, I can still kick their—"

"No!" Jasper let out a startled laugh with wide eyes, "Audrey, Sam, and Colby didn't do anything. They were both really... nice." He admitted.

"Then what is it?"

He sighed, looking away. He knew what she would say if he told her about Ethan's text, knew she was right too. He'd rather say nothing at all, but then she would find out somehow anyway. "Ethan texted me." He admitted sheepishly, twisting the sleeve of his flannel anxiously, "He wants to talk."

"He wants to talk?" She repeated with a scowl. "Let's see him talk with a literal stick up his ass." She fumed causing Jasper's eyes to widen. The scariest part? She's crazy enough to do it.

"Auds, it's fine. I don't even think I'm gonna respond anyway." He told her, glancing away, "He doesn't deserve it."

"I'm glad but I know you." She looked at him skeptically, "There's something else." She said not as a question but as a simple fact, like saying the sky is blue.

His cheeks reddened, "Well..."

She gasped in disbelief, "Jasper James Jett!"

"Not my middle name." He pointed out, she brushed him off with ease.

She pointed an accusatory finger at him, "You're holding out on me!" She exclaimed, leaning forward before demanding, "Tell me everything." Jasper chewed on his bottom lip indecisively. Should he tell her? Try to explain the way Colby makes him feel? Tell her about their past and hope she understands even a sliver of what he feels. He glanced at her and made his decision.

The words slipped out, at first they made no sense, but she listened anyway and eventually, it formed a story that didn't have an ending yet, and then, she knew everything. "You have to call him, Jay!" She exclaimed with a smile when he finished.

He shook his head, "I can't." He told her sternly.

"You can't or you won't?" She questioned, and without waiting for a response, she continued, "Jasper, your guys' story is like... a cliche romance book, you can't let it go not when you still feel like this." He tore his eyes away, refusing to listen, she sighed, reaching for his hand, "You lost him once and it wasn't your fault, but are you prepared to let him go again?" he said nothing, she knew the answer already, she didn't need words to see it on his face.

After a moment, he grabbed his phone and sent Colby a message before he could change his mind. Now, all he had to do was leave it up to Colby, or maybe to fate and all he could do was wait.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙**

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