2. Scale

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At night, I take off my pyjama and take a hot streaming shower while doing a rough skin and haircare after. It felt so good to get my wavy thick hair to shine and my skin getting glowy. I was just about to open the bathroom lock and get to my cozy bed when something tickled inside my head, the thought of my weight. Why was it bothering me so much? "It's just a number." I tell myself while pulling out the scale from under the sink. I step on it, 162lbs. I looked in the mirror, had I really gained weight? Did I look big?

"Nah I'm fine." I say confidently and put the scale back. I looked good. And with that I allowed myself to crawl into my cozy bed and fall asleep.


A couple of weeks passed, nothing important had happened. Only three weeks this boring February and then it'd be March, my birthday was finally coming. 17 days to be exact. Sweet seventeen. My sweet sixteen hadn't been a success, but maybe this would.

"What's for lunch today?" Dahlia asks me on our third lesson today, distracting my calculations about my sweet seventeen.

"I think chicken soup or some soup, but I'm not completely sure." I mutter back.

"You wanna skip school lunch and go to somewhere else?" Dahlia smirks.

"What? Where?" I ask and look at her dark blue eyes, the contrast of her black hair and dark blue eyes was hair raising gorgeous. She had always got all the boys' attention wherever we went, I was just kinda... there. Like I wasn't ugly or anything but she was just, that something. She had the natural charm that I needed badly.

"There's a pizza place down the street, I heard it's pretty good." Dahlia suggests.

"Sure, sounds good." I shrug. "Who else's coming?"

"Leo of course, and Abby. And maybe June, Lavinia and Nicklaus." Dahlia lists. June and Nicklaus were our friends who just sometimes hangs around us and sometimes they don't. I guess they do today. And Lavinia is Leo's year younger sister who also just hangs around us sometimes. She's okay.

"Oh, okay." I say and try to focus on my x calculations for the rest of the class. I couldn't risk my good grades.

When the lunch time finally rolled around we all gathered together and just sneaked out of the main door. Very sneaky. Leo was already having a full on fight with Lavinia.

"Gosh can you two just behave for a solid two minutes?" Abby snapped finally.

"He's a fucking idiot!" Lavinia shouts, for like third time in a day. Every time I'm seeing the two of them I can't believe how lucky I am for having an okay brother and not like Leo.

"We know." I mutter so quietly that no one can't hear me. I can't understand what Dahlia sees in him? He's so... ugh. A red flag is nothing compared to him.

It only took five minutes to walk here, still Lavinia and Leo managed to fight for a couple more times.

"What are you gonna order?" Abby asks me and I shrug, having no idea.

"I think we'll just have the pepper pizza." June says and points at Nicklaus and herself. They were kind of like a thing, but it was pretty messy so no one knew about their stuff.

"You could get... hmm maybe fucking far away from here." Lavinia hisses at her brother.

"You could... shut the fuck up and go to hell?" Leo hisses back.

"Leo just shut up and just focus on ordering something." I say finally losing my temper.

"Mind your own business fatty." He snaps completely unexpectedly.

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