Chapter One; Yellow Lies

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"This isn't fair!" My little sister Dianne cried out "why should I suffer because Audrey can't get a man?!"

Ouch! Low blow sis but very understandable.

"Am sorry dear but tradition is tradition, you cannot get married before your elder sister," mum echoed the words we had been hearing for ages in the house.

Dianne gave me a death stare, mumbled something and stormed out of the house. She had just told mum that her boyfriend was ready to reach home for marriage talks and mum refused, this was not the first time such was happening. I had three younger sister and they all now had men ready to marry them, but they couldn't because I was still single. My immediate younger sister had gotten so tired of waiting that she just got pregnant thinking it would force my parents to let her get married but nope, they still refused to give their blessing saying according to our family beliefs, it was terrible luck and very disrespectful to get married before the elder one. I really didn't mind if my young sisters got married first because unlike them, I had terrible luck when it came to relationships, I would go for more than a year without any man proposing to start a relationship with me. That was a me problem and I didn't want them to suffer for it, but my parents would not allow it.

Rhoda, the second born, now had two kids out of wedlock with her man and she had moved in with him even though it was against our parents' wishes, they were still very much upset and always called Daniel, her man, disrespectful but Rhoda didn't care, she was happy with her man and kids and at least mum and dad were not hostile towards the grandkids, they had welcomed them with open arms. Rhoda, like my other two sisters Dianne and Inonge, was resentful towards me. Inonge's first fiancé had been turned down and he wanted to get married the proper way, he could not keep waiting so eventually he left her and six months later he had a big, beautiful wedding with another woman. Understandably, Inonge had been shattered and depressed, she blamed me for it and started hating me but what could I do? Pay someone to marry me?

Two years later she met another guy, that was her current man and he had also now started dropping hints of marriage.

Dianne's university sweetheart had recently come back from Malaysia where he went to do his masters' degree while working a part time job, he wanted to start the marriage talks and even though we all knew him and my parents liked him, they were refusing saying I had to get married first then Rhoda, then Inonge and finally Dianne. This was not sitting well with her.

She was really upset and went to sulk in her room, Inonge went over there to talk to her, and they video called Rhoda to be a part of the conversation.

Cautiously, I went over to her bedroom and when she saw me standing by the door she turned the other side, giving me her back.

"I am so sorry Dianne; you know I don't mind you getting married before me." I guardedly walked in.

"Why can't you just get married and free us all?" Rhoda snapped through the phone "it's not like you're ugly so what's the problem?" she spat out and I swallowed the pain, I had been slowly lowering my standards throughout the years but there were some things I just could not accept, and it seemed like all the men I attracted were the ones with a lot of deal breakers.

"Seriously Audrey, why are you still single? What is wrong with you?" Inonge questioned

"I am not single," I blurted out, why was I lying? Why couldn't I just be honest and say I only met men I didn't like? Maybe it was because I knew they would judge me and tell me to stop being picky but I wasn't even that picky. The last guy I had been chatting with said as the head of the house he would expect to have access to my pay slip and bank account, I could not accept that, he said a wife should submit and bring her salary to the husband so that he could make a proper budget and not let her waste money on "wigs, makeup and committees". I knew my sisters would want me to settle with anyone who came my way just so they could finally be allowed to get married.

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