Prolouge 2

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"I spent most of my life dreaming, dreaming about a love that was never mine to begin with."


Samarth. A man I gave my youth, my assets, my priorities to in exchange for a marriage that was as hollow as his love for me. It was the night of our 10th anniversary, a date special for more than one reason when I learned about his betrayal, turns out the man I left everything for didn't even love me a tenth of what I did.

but no matter how much i resent him for what he did, in the end it was me who fed his insatiable greed in the blindness of my love. I'm not even sure if it was love, maybe I had been so deprived of love that I fell for the man who showed me the tiniest bit of sympathy. So here I am, standing at the edge of god forsaken river bridge, willing to end my life to pay for the sins i have commited, by letting a devil-of-a-man use me in the name of love.



**uncorks the imaginary champgane at the imaginary launch party of the second prolouge**

another depressing promo, but i promise next one will be a little more cheerful, okay, maybe next to the next one, but we'll get there surely!

here's a little glimpse of how the story will unfold- obviously- and a little peek into the story for the lovely  readers who are patiently waiting on the story, I see you!

next promo- or prolouge- will be up shortly as well...

see y'all soon!

Reborn (Releasing January 2024)Where stories live. Discover now