Chapter 19

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The way Ivy and I left things created a tangle of frustrations in my head. Kissing her in the lake caused a wave of possessiveness to simmer inside me. I was short and distant with her, but I felt I had no choice. I should have thanked her for not telling Blaine about what I'd done, but instead, I was furious that she chose him over me.

Pouring a glass of cold water from the tap, I leaned back against the countertop and stared miserably at the guest bedroom door. I gulped my water and wiped the sweat from my brow. I let my early morning training session with Holly dissolve all thoughts of Ivy from my mind. It didn't work. Ivy was everywhere the second I walked back into the ranch, even when she wasn't there.

"Good workout today," Holly handed me a cup for my urine sample. "You know what to do."

I rolled my eyes and took the cup from her hand. Holly pulled her red hair into a ponytail and slung her bag over her shoulder. I walked into the bathroom, pissed into the cup, washed my hands, and then found her in the foyer waiting for me.

"You're welcome," I tucked it into her bag.

She laughed. "Thanks, Rhys. Your father and Coach Fenwick are super happy with your progress. You won't miss a beat on the football field once you get back to USC. You should be proud of yourself."

"Thanks, Holly," I pulled open the front door. "Did you need a ride back into town? Or was your ride on its way?"

"My ride is waiting outside," she smiled. "See you tomorrow, Rhys."

I closed the door on her with my mind still racing. I was mad at Ivy for staying with Blaine even though I had no right to be. It was crazy and possessive, and it was sick as fuck. I could have any girl I wanted. Hell, I could be fucking Holly. Back at USC, girls would throw themselves at me. I would have my pick of any pair of tits for the night. Now, I was moping over a girl who had always been off-limits—a girl who belonged to my brother.

The doorbell rang and snapped me away from my thoughts. What did Holly forget this time? Last time, it was her cell phone. I pulled open the front door, surprised to see a delivery man holding a package filled with a bottle of champagne, a bunch of macrons and eclairs neatly packaged in some fancy cellophane container. There was even a teddy bear wearing a French beret.

What the -?

"I'm looking for a Miss Bishop," he said, looking up from his clipboard.

My fists clenched, and I fought the huge to slam the door in his face. Did Blaine actually send Ivy some bullshit French-inspired love package? It wasn't her birthday or Valentine's Day, so what the fuck was the special occasion?

"She's not home right now. She'll be back tonight." I lied.

I had to see why Blaine needed to send her an elaborate gift for no particular reason on a Sunday. "I'll sign for her. I'll make sure she gets it." I said, trying to keep my cool.

He shrugged, handed me a pen and pointed to the clipboard. "Sign here and here."

I signed both spots quickly, and he passed over the package. I mumbled goodbye to him and closed the door behind him. I walked into the kitchen, placed the tacky cellophane-wrapped basket on the countertop, and stared at it for a long while. I shouldn't open it. The card attached to it was staring back at me though. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and ripped the card off the front of the package.


Enjoy the macrons and eclairs from a delicious pâtisserie here in France. I wish I were there to pop open the bottle of champagne with you. Who knows, maybe someday soon, we will be lucky enough to enjoy all the brilliance of France with me ☺

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