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I was seated at my vanity brushing the knots out of my hair, when I heard a faint knock that came from my door.

My gaze lingered towards the door, at least I know it's not Alessandro, he'd never knock he'd just barge in.

I got up and went to open the door, there stood Leo with a bright smile on his face and a towel in his hand. He was wearing blue swimming trunks, and he smelt strongly of sunscreen.

"Hey, principessa, we are going to the beach for a swim would you like to come?" He asked.

A slight frown settled upon my face, I'd love to go for a swim, except there's one problem, I don't know how. Also, my legs are super worn out from yesterday, they were practically begging me for some rest.

"As much as I'd love to, my legs are super sore from yesterday and I need to shower."

"Aww, I'm sorry to hear that, principessa. We will be at the beach. If you're feeling better later, you're more than welcome to join us, tesoro." He said with a soft smile.

I nodded with a smile, "Maybe the shower will make me feel better."

"Take it easy and get some rest, tesero."

"Come on, Leo we're waiting." Daimien shouted from down the stairs.

"Alright I will see you later, principessa." He smiled. He turned around and began walking down the steps.

"Took you long enough." I heard Daimien groan from downstairs.

I shut my door and locked it; I don't need May running into my room and doing something while I'm in the shower. Speaking of her, I haven't heard or seen her at all this morning, as well as Lisa.

I brushed off the thought and grabbed some clean clothes and a towel, I placed them onto the bathroom counter, and turned on the shower as I undressed.

As I stepped in, a sense of relief came over me as the soothing hot water trickled down my back. My sore muscles relaxed, and I began washing my hair, and yes, I triple checked the shampoo and conditioner bottles before I used them.

I washed out the soap and I turned off the shower. Stepping out I wrapped a towel around my body, and I glanced into the mirror, I sighed in relief that my hair wasn't green. I can't trust that psycho; she could have hidden something in my shower.

I got dressed and I grabbed a book from the bookshelf, I curled up on my bed with a blanket and I began reading.


I lost track of time and by the time I got done reading it was already 3:30 pm. I heard the front door click, faint voices could be heard from downstairs, Leo must be back.

I placed a bookmark into my book and set it on the nightstand, I opened the door and the smell of pizza hit me in the face. I wrinkled my nose up, it's not that I don't like pizza, it's absolutely delicious, but it's the only thing we've been eating these past few days, and I don't think Alessandro knows how to cook.

I looked over the railing to see my cousins and Alessandro with a box of pizza in his hand. I sighed and began walking down the steps.

Alessandro set the box on the table and my brothers took a seat.

"What's with the sad look, principessa?" Leo teased, as he patted one of the chairs, indicating for me to sit next to him.

I took my seat and slumped back into the chair, "We've had pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner." I sighed.

Marcelo already had half of a slice down his throat, "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" He said, his words came out muffled because of the food in his mouth.

Daimien rolled his eyes, "Ignore her, she just wants to be spoiled, Alessandro normally doesn't let us eat this much pizza, this is a treat."

"Speaking of spoiled, where's May?" I asked, looking towards Alessandro.

I heard Enzo snort.

"Oh, she is with Lisa." He shrugged putting two slices of pizza onto his plate.

"And Lisa is...?"

If I look at one more pizza, I think I might be sick.

"They went to the mall, now stop talking child and eat your food." He grumbled, as he began typing something in Italian onto his laptop.

"There's no mall here." Daimien interrupted, raising his eyebrows slightly at Alessandro.

"They took the boat back to town to do some shopping." He groaned, as he shut his laptop.

Daimien's jaw dropped, and I sat there confused. She got to leave, for what!? Why did we have to be stuck here but she gets the privilege to leave.

"Don't look at me like that, Chiara." He sighed, as he narrowed his eyes towards me. "You dyed her hair, and she wouldn't stop crying so I gave in, they will be back by tomorrow morning." He scowled.

"What! That's not fair! She dyed mine first!" I said as I gritted my teeth, why does he think I start everything!?

"I haven't skateboarded in a week; you at least need to buy me one!" Daimien argued, and Marcelo nodded.

"How come they're coming back tomorrow? Don't tell me there staying the night." Marcelo said as he glared at Alessandro with crossed arms.

I heard Alessandro mutter something in Italian, "No. No one is leaving the island, fino a quando non avremo sistemato le cose. You two know better and you know why we are here." Alessandro said, his eye's darkened slightly, and he glared at Marcelo and Daimien.

"No, if you don't let us go to the town for at least one day then I'll swim there myself." Daimien said as he snatched another slice of pizza.

"Good luck with that then." Alessandro grumbled, as he picked up his plate and computer and started walking upstairs.

Leo spoke up, "Come on, Al, don't you think the kids deserve a day to themselves? You can't keep them couped up here all day, besides May and Lisa got to go, that isn't very fair to them, no?"

Alessandro paused and shook his head; he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine, but you kids are not staying the night, I'll call the boat. They'll be here in an hour or so, you miss it that's too bad and you kids will get picked up at 6:30. A second late and I'll make sure you won't ever leave your room again." He sighed, as he continued to walk up the stairs.

A smile formed onto my face, I squealed, "Did you hear, Leo?! I get to go to the town!"

He patted my leg and smiled, "I heard principessa."

I gave him a hug, "Thank you for convincing him." I said gratefully. "Will you come with me?" I grinned.

Daimien scoffed. "No, he's wasted so much time with you, you're going to go pick out a skateboard with me, right Leo." He said as he nudged Leo with his elbow.

"I'm going with the princess, but Julias and Elias might." He said as he gave me a wink.

I smiled; I was so happy to get off this island even if it was for just two hours. But what did Alessandro mean when he said Daimien and Marcelo knew why we were here? Why does everyone always know everything, and I don't?

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