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Late that Night

who the fuck is this?

i thought to myself about eve. it's like everybody around her scared of her. like she a fucking monster or sum.

"take him to the back" she told one of her men, "and you, you follow me"

"ian following yo old ass nowher-"

"unt un" she said quick looking behind me, making me turn around to see her men pointing guns at me

"yall don't have to point shit at him, and i might have a age on me but i'll kill yo ass myself right now and you wouldnt have nun, now follow me"

as much as it took for me to follow her, i ain't dumb, so i did.

we went in a office looking room where 2 guards was at the door.

"sit there" she pointed at the chair across from hers


"oh- oh now you wanna know" she said laughing "i was just old a few minutes ago"

"man look i can be out there looking for my girl right now"

"no you can sit yo ass right there like i told you"

i just sat there looking, confused as to who this motherfucker talking to

"so, you sure this all you know"

"yeah, ian keep shit from yo-"

"nope, watch your mouth"

she just cut me off again?

"ion gotta watch shit"

"you fiesty"

she said stood up to lean over the table and whisper in my ear

"you would wanna bring it down a few notches, and you sure this man knows something"


"ok, im about to have alot of fun tonight"

"heyyyyy" i said jacking the blindfold off the man's face

"bitch who the fuck is you"

"that's not how you talk to the person who's hands your life is in ... bitch"

"my life ain't in shit"

"does he know" i asked my men

"no ma'am"

"well, let's show him a little something"

i pressed the button to raise the chair he was tied to.

"slide that container right here" i said, pointing under the chair

"so, let's make a deal, you tell me what i wanna know and .. we act like this never happened .. or you don't tell me .. and i mean you know where that's gonna go"

"bitch I don't shit"

i laughed. looking at the container under him. causing him to look too.

"ouu water, you gonna drown me.. please don't" he said laughing

"ok well let's test this water out"

i let the chair down a lil causing the tip of his big toe to touch the "water"

"owwwwwww ouch fuckkkk"

I mean acid. look, I need answers and ima get them one way or the other.

i pulled him back up

"so.. are we ready to start talking"

"bitch ian tal-, no no no no" he screamed after i started letting the chair down a little, not touching the acid

ian like his tone

I walked up a little closer to the chair

"look, bitch. where the fuck is my niece"

"who is your ni-"

"oh so now we dumb" I yelled walking towards the button

"no no no no"

"then was it bitch"

"I don't know where she at"

"you don't know where she at but this motherfucker's daddy was-"

"aye my name re-"

"cut me off one more time and watch your ass be right up there with him"

"man ion-"

"take him outside please" I yelled "and stay there with his ass"

"look nigga don't touch me, fuck wrong with you"

"so as i was saying, his daddy was texting you about things dealing with liyah"

"im telling you the tru-"

"look at that clock up there"

he looked

"everytime i look up.. more time has passed, and that's really pissing me off because you wasting my time, so i'll just kill you and figure this shit out on my own"

i walked to the buttons

"alright" he yelled

i laughed a little, but not to where he can hear me, I turned around and walked back towards him.

"get to talking bitch"

"loo- loo- look"

"bitch look at what, stop stuttering and spit it out"

"look in my pants over there, my- my phone, he deleted certain messages out his phone"

"and why would he do that" i asked

"he said he felt like his son been opp lately, and going against everything he stand for"

"mm, what's the password"

"i can put it-"

"nigga what's the fucking password"


"who's birthday"

"my daugher"

"what that nigga name under in here" i asked


"wait huh"


"boss" I asked


i started laughing nonstop.

"how you let a nigga with a boss, boss you"

i went to messages and seen a address

"is this where she at" i asked


"so when i go here, she's gonna be here"

"if they ain't do shit to her, then yeah"

"okay" i said walking towards the button

"wait .. no .. no no no please no pleaseee, you said if i gave you information i can leave and act like nothing happened"

"aww, too bad im my own boss" i said dropping him into the container of acid.

"deal with this, i gotta go find my niece"

"yes ma'am"

How we liking Evelyn so far??????

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