📛Chapter Twenty-two📛

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The pack was busy chasing a redhead and protecting Harry and Charlie who had gone out hunting for the animals killing people. Grace wasn't allowed to join this pack task due to her age so she and Bree agreed to hang back with Niska and the imprints.

Emilia was the only young one there as she refused to back down from a fight especially when it's her dad's life on the line." Get ready to face your first red-eyed vampire," Paul says." Why does she keep coming back though that's the issue?" Embry asked.

"Wait, Sam? Did you guys say there were three normads around when I hadn't phased yet," Emilia says." Yeah, there was but only the female kept coming back the other one the black one we killed ages ago," Sam says.

"What if the third one was her mate? Like her imprint? And the Cullens killed him because he was going after Bella and now she's just returning the favour?" Emilia works out." A mate for a mate," Jake nods.

"So she knows they are gone and Bella is here alone," Jake says." She isn't going to stop till she gets her revenge and justice for her mate's death which to be fair is justified in a sense," Emilia says.

"So we are just dealing with a grieving vampire who wants Edward Cullen to feel her pain?" Jared wonders." Yep, so we are going to be doing this for life," Emilia groans. Embry nuzzles against her," I smell her and Harry and Charlie! Come on!" Sam yells.

The pack runs towards the redhead and makes their presence known to the vampire and Emilia immediately goes to Charlie and Harry's side and growls protectively over them. The pack lunges for the redhead vampire and she gives chase to them.

Emilia turns to face Charlie who is tending to Harry who seems to be having a heart attack."Sam!! Anyone! Harry needs help!!!" Emilia calls out. Emilia grabs Charlie and Harry's sleeves and pulls them along towards the clinic and they allow her." She wants you to follow her," Harry coughs.

Emilia nudges Charlie and Harry carefully towards Sue Clinc." Sue help me!!" Charlie calls out. Sue runs out and immediately gets Harry inside with Niska's help and Leah's. Emilia emerges from the woods when a fox hunter shoots her in the leg.

Emilia yelps in her mind and out loud causing Charlie and now shifted Embry to appear." No! No! No!" Embry yells and stares down the man with the gun." Put the gun away Now!" Charlie shouts. The man drops the gun," As of from now on no fox hunting is allowed! It's banned!!!" Charlie shouts with authority.

Embry races inside to see Niska," Niska I know your dad is here but she got shot help her!" Embry pleads." Oh, Emmy," Niska says sadly. She immediately takes Emilia and begins operating on her taking the bullet wound out and stitching the wound up.

"Hey! How's the fox doing?" Charlie asked knocking on the door." She's stable," Niska says softly. Charlie enters the room to see Emilia's fox form on the bed." Sorry little fox, I have sorted it out now to make fox hunting illegal," Charlie says softly.

Emilia whines but looks up at Charlie." Emilia would love you," Charlie smiles." She's fox mad," Charlie chuckles slightly. Emilia moves closer to Charlie's touch and he lets her lay on his legs. Embry enters the room, "Is she okay?" Embry shakily asks."She's stable and she just needs time to recover," Charlie says softly.

"If you want to come sit with her, I got to check on Harry," Charlie says with a soft smile. Embry enters the room and holds Emilia's fox body close," I'm sorry Emilia. I shouldn't have left you alone," Embry cries a little. Emilia whines and suddenly screams are heard and a flatlining sound is heard." Harry?" Embry wonders.

"I got to go, Emilia," Embry says softly kissing her head and running to find Harry has passed away. Leah and Seth are shaking Paul grabs Seth as Niska pulls Leah out and the two-phased into the woods. Leah lashed out at everyone and Emilia could hear everyone's voice.

Emilia got up off her table went past Sue ran outside ignoring her pain and lunged at Leah."LEAH!!! STOP!!" Emilia yells and Leah stops and sees Emilia in her fox form as does Seth." Emilia?" Seth says unsure." Hi Seth, sorry about your dad," Emilia says sadly and nuzzles him and Leah.

Embry came over to Emilia," You're still hurt!" Embry says softly and Emilia looks to see she's bleeding and shifts back," Jared take her to get fixed up at the pack house," Niska says. Jared nods and takes Emilia home." I got her," Embry says taking Emilia from Jared.

Emilia and Embry headed back to the pack house with everyone following them. Cara and Max came out to help fix up Emilia alongside Niska." Now don't you bloody move a muscle I'm warning you now," Niska says with a look."I'll make sure she does," Embry nods as he holds her to his chest.

Seth enters the house and Bree runs into his arms and he looks at her and imprints on her and sees everything." I have a secret to tell you," Bree says softly." What is it?" Seth says softly." I'm a fox Shifter like Emilia," Bree tells him gently.

"Cool, so I got my fox?" Seth softly smiled. Bree softly nods and she kisses Seth," I'm sorry about your dad, do you want me to stay?" Bree asked gently.

"Please?" Seth whispers and Bree nods, "We'll all stay as you need us tonight," Emilia says weakly smiling. Charlie and Cora were both down at Sue's comforting her.

Bella almost crashed and died and Alice returned to comfort Charlie but found the old house empty and went to find Bella alive. The two ran to Italy to get Edward back who thought Bella was dead.

Emilia was asleep in Embry's arms as Grace slept in Jake's arms and Seth kept Bree close the entire night as Niska comforted Leah all night long.

Chapter 22 is done ✔️ Harry's funeral is up next, The Cullens return and The remaining trio of Quil, Brady and Colin all phase and imprint along with Leah.

How was this chapter?

Emilia got hurt but she'll recover quickly👀

Best friendship in the entire book?

Emilia and Embry are a slow burn relationship as they have a 2/3 year age gap💗

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