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They observed the castle hill from beneath the cover of the trees for a long time.

Astrid let her eyes roam over the narrow, golden field spanning between the forest and the foot of the rocky hill, up the path leading to the walls of Starling, then find it again above the town where it continued to wind its way towards the tall white walls of the castle, while she took comfort and courage from Azrael's arms wrapped around her from behind as she leaned into him, feeling exhausted.

Many other sensations were shrouded in that feeling of profound tiredness but she had no energy left to waste in the effort of unravelling them, and she was happy when Michael finally made his decision as they watched the sun first touch, then vanish behind the castle's tallest towers.

"Let us spend the night here."

His voice, after the long silence only disturbed by the singing of birds and the stems of wheat whispering to each other as they swayed and shuddered in the evening breeze, sounded unearthly to Astrid's ears.

"I'm going up to see how the mood is in the town. Who is coming with me?" Michael asked, and from the way he started to glow in the deepening shadows that pooled under the trees, and the smoke-like black fog raising in coils around Evangeline and Ramiel, Astrid knew that the three of them made themselves invisible to human eyes.

Other two fallen angels followed their example, and with a serious, mind-whispered, "Look after her, angel of death," from Michael to Azrael, the smaller group was gone.

Azrael chuckled softly, his breath landing on the side of Astrid's neck making her feel weak in the knees despite all the fallen angels watching them with bemused expressions, and Astrid found herself wishing them all gone. It had been too long since she and Azrael had enjoyed an alone moment, and that became the only reason why she was glad that this journey was nearing its end, the finale she dreaded. Whatever happened now, whatever she would have to do, she and Azrael would be together after, hopefully, nothing, and no one would keep them apart anymore.

"Are you hungry?" Azrael prompted when she didn't say anything, her eyes still fixed on the towers, white stone turning to gold, silver, then dark grey as the sun started to set, spinning her around after he made the other angels disperse with a few expressive looks.

"No," she said, smiling up at him before she laid her head on his chest. "Just tired. And don't bother with the tent, please. Knowing Michael, he'll have us marching up the hill the moment the sun rises."

He cupped her face and tilted it up so he could see her eyes when he said, "Astrid, whatever happens tomorrow... I don't want you to worry. I won't let anyone harm you..."

She pressed her finger to his lips, trying hard not to think of any of the things that worried her. She was sure that she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, but she wanted him to rest. Michael had been too demanding of all his angels lately, his growing anxiety as they reached the place, and the moment when he would meet his Polaris again was affecting the whole group.

"I know, Azrael. I love you. Just let us rest tonight. We will talk once this is over."

It was the first time that Azrael fell asleep before her, the instant he found a suitable place, a little apart from the rest of the group, spread their bedroll on the smooth grass growing under the ancient trees, and enveloped her in his arms.

Astrid let her mind travel aimlessly as she listened to the soothing sound of his breathing, the steady beats of his heart, following it into the past and then the future. She forced herself to extinguish all thoughts when, what felt like hours later, she heard Michael's group return, hushed voices muttering in the darkness somewhere nearby, then pretended to be sleeping on hearing the archangel's approaching footsteps, and finally fell asleep after everyone else had fallen silent.

Azrael was already awake when she woke up in the morning but neither of them rushed to get up-- they remained lying silently on their bedroll, wrapped around each other, staring into each other's eyes, smiling at each other's thoughts until Michael in person came to get them to move.

"From what we've heard in the village pub last night," the archangel informed while Astrid smoothed out the folds of her black dress and rearranged her hair and Azrael rolled up the bedroll, collected his bow and quiver and carried Astrid's luggage towards their horses, Astrid and Michael following him closely, "nothing seems out of place. Arcturus sent many of his men around the country in search of you," he said, looking at Astrid as Azrael lifted her onto the horse, "but he doesn't seem to be expecting you, or us, turning up at his doorstep."

Astrid didn't know what she had been expecting, in her darkest moments she had been certain that her uncle would have gathered an army within the castle to protect him, and wage a new war against the fallen angels. Michael's information was the best piece of news she had heard in a while and she would make the best of the situation, Astrid resolved, jumping off the horse the moment Azrael put her in the saddle, ready to face her father.

"This is wonderful news. You must let me go up to the castle alone with Izar and Rigel. If Arcturus doesn't know about you, I'll tell him about Orion, I'll say that I found a group of fallen angels who refused to talk to me about the new treaty, and I'll make sure that he doesn't suspect Deimos and she's as safe as always. Then, after a few days, when everything is back to normal, you can take the castle without harming anyone... Please... " It seemed like such a simple and the most natural way of dealing with the situation to Astrid, she hoped Michael would see the reason behind her words.

The archangel stared into her eyes for a long time, reading her thoughts which she did not shield from him, wanting him to see how important not harming anyone in the castle was for her, before he pulled her in an awkward, one-armed embrace.

"At least allow me and Azrael to come with you, invisible."

"No," she said, freeing herself from his embrace, looking in his eyes again. "I'm not sure because I had no idea about your existence before, but there might well be someone at court, apart from Deimos, who might be able to see you. It's too dangerous, it's not worth the risk. You can hide in Starling, and I'll let you know what's going on, I can send Rigel, or you can send me a pair of doves..."

Astrid smiled despite the anxiety which she could feel creeping through her, brought on by her own brave plan-- she was proud of her newly learned ability to glean messages imprinted into the birds' minds. She looked at Azrael, who stood at her side, smiling at him in spite of the disapproval she glimpsed in his seafoam irises.

She sighed; she had known it would be easier to convince Michael, who wanted to free Polaris from Arcturus' grasp at all costs, than Azrael. But Astrid needed him to listen to her, this one time, then she would always let him take decisions... She let him read those thoughts, smiling wider at seeing the corners of his lips lift up against his will. It wouldn't be you if you always let me decide, he thought back and Astrid rewarded that thought with a wink because she didn't know what else to do-- the wink meaning that she wasn't afraid of what was about to happen, that everything would sort itself out, just like at that ball an eternity ago-- before she turned back to Michael.

"All right. We will do this as you want, daughter," the archangel replied finally, running his hand through his golden curls nervously. "But should something happen to you, I'll kill Arcturus personally and then raze this country to the ground." His last words were only a whisper, but the sound was so cold and serious that it made Astrid shudder.

"I'll be careful, I promise."

She stood on her tiptoes to kiss Azrael on his cheek before she mounted her horse, and, followed by Rigel and Izar who must have overheard the conversation, rode across the field without a backward glance, rushing away before her mind would properly register that she was leaving Azrael behind, who knew for how long.

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