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NEW-update, sport is now soccer instead of football, letting you know in every chapter and editing them!

Old announcement- I don't know if I established a time or date but I will start with this chapter. To clear any confusion the chapter before this is set on Saturday and the one before that (3) was on a Friday because they had school! Enjoy! Ps. That will also mark time skips by changes in time. Also Gretchen the neighbor is mentioned in this chapter and the next ones probably, she is their neighbor. She is around 20 years old by the way.

POV: Evan

Saturday-10:00 AM

I walked out of my room on Saturday morning, it wasn't super late. I noticed it was awfully quiet which made sense as my sisters were still asleep. There was another note on the counter from my mom:

Dear Evan,

I have to work today, only until 6:00 so I thought we could go out for dinner if you're up to it. Your friends mom, Cora I think was the girls name, called and asked if you would call her when you woke up. Take care of your sisters, they talked about wanting to go to the park last night so if you want to take them go ahead! DON'T forget to take your medicine!

I worry about you, you know

I love you Evan


I finished reading the letter, pulled out my phone, and dialed Cora's number. After a few rings she picked up. "Hey" She answered with gloom in her voice. "What's wrong?" I asked and received a heavy sigh from the other end.

"I don't know how to tell you this, I asked Lizzy to do it for me but she wouldn't," Cora huffed through the phone.

"It's alright! Take your time, I'm listening," I said pushing away the nervousness

"I have cancer," she mumbled, but i heard.

"Are you okay? What's going to happen," I asked frantically but trying to sound calm.

"I don't...I don't know, my first treatment is tomorrow at noon, I want you to come and keep me company, please. I don't know how long it'll take but I'll tell you when to come. Evan, I'm scared," she said sniffling and I could tell she was trying not to cry.

After 5-10 minutes of talking she had to hang up. I promised to come tomorrow and every other day. I felt bad for her and I just wanted everything to go back to normal. I wanted my dad to come back, I wanted my mom to stop having so many shifts at work, I wanted my sisters to stop being afraid of me, I wanted Cora to not have cancer, I wanted this stupid POTS to go away, I wanted everything to be okay again. But I can't have any of that.

I trudged towards my bedroom and popped a bunch of capsules in my mouth. After taking a big drink I swallowed hard. I felt like my head was about to implode. Spots crept the edges of my vision, it was nauseating. I sunk against the wall, putting my head in between my shaking knees. It felt like someone was shoving my head down and my body fought me every time I tried to lift it.

I heard a shuffle and a soft voice. "Mommy? Evan?" It was Lily. "I'm in here love," I called to my sister. I heard her feet stomp through the house, running to my room, Evet trailing behind cautiously. "Evan, where's mommy, are you okay? I'm scared," she trembled and I lifted my head slowly. I pulled Lily into my lap and Evet eyes me suspiciously. "Evet, can you grab me my socks?" I asked her and she ran off to my dresser. Evet is quite bright for her age, she knew what I was doing. She brought the compression socks and I slipped them on. I stood up slowly and scooped Lily off the floor. The world spun but I wanted things to be normal again, she was hurting and I longed to be able to comfort her.

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