12 - Coffin Is The Only Way Out.

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"Vengeance and retribution require a long time; it is the rule."

- Charles Dickens

I was sitting in my private office at home, poring over paperwork and financials

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I was sitting in my private office at home, poring over paperwork and financials. Thoughts of Frankie once again invaded my mind, stealthily yet powerfully.

What was she doing to me? Why was I yearning for her with such intensity? I had women at my beck and call throughout my life, yet at this moment, I only wanted it her. But why? What made her so special?

I was aware of the answer to these questions but maybe a part of me wished I didn't.

Suddenly, Marqus's knock on the door snapped me out of my trance. "Boss, Theodore is here," he informed me.

I gestured for Marqus to let Theodore in.

My uncle, Theodore, strolled in and positioned himself on the leather seat across from my desk.

"You haven't dropped by in quite a while," I greeted him with a smile. "What brings you here?"

I was glad that he seemed to have regained his strength after the fiasco at the gala, as well as the shocking arrest of his son, Daniel.

"Just needed an excuse to get out of the house and decided to visit my favourite nephew at home," he responded, examining the aesthetics of my office. His appreciation for my classic decor had never gone unnoticed. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"You're never an interruption, Theo," I reassured him as I stood and walked to my old-school liquor cabinet in the corner of the office. Picking up a bottle of top-shelf scotch, I prepared two drinks. "On the rocks?"

"You know me better than anyone, boy," he said with a chuckle.

As he relished in the luxury of the drink, his gaze fixed on me over his glass. I recognized the look immediately. This wasn't just a casual visit. There was something he needed to share. The intensity of his stare suggested I was unlikely to appreciate the revelation.

His voice low, he began, "My brother, your father, was very close to Giuseppe Capano." Pausing briefly, he gave a small, solemn nod, "May they both rest in peace."

"May they rest in peace," I echoed, toasting to their memory before taking a long sip.

"Among many shared dreams," he resumed his explanation, "They had always dreamt of combining their businesses, creating a strong empire and strengthening their families, specifically through a family union."

Impatience surged, replacing my anticipation with mild dread. "What's your point, Theo?" I asked, keeping my voice steady.

After a generous gulp of his drink, Theodore placed his glass down. "To put it bluntly, your father and Giuseppe had plans for you to wed Allegra, Giuseppe's daughter." The bombshell was finally dropped.

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